
Development of soft skills by winners of the OP “Information technologies in business” at the intellectual and entertaining “Bla bla show”

04.03.2024 | 10:29

On February 29, 2024, an incredibly cool event was organized for students of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management – an intellectual and entertaining “Bla bla show”!
Students of higher education under the OP “Information technologies in business” (UFE-11c group) took the initiative and participated in this event, which was full of interesting competitions, intellectual and entertaining tasks.
In such a joyful and friendly atmosphere, students were not only able to relax and have fun, but also to improve their personal...

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Open lecture by Iryna RUDА, associate professor of the Department of Digital Economy and Business Analytics

01.03.2024 | 15:01

On November 29, 2023, an open lecture was held on the Microsoft Teams platform by Rudoya Iryna Ihorivna, associate professor of the Department of Digital Economy and Business Analytics, from the discipline “Anti-crisis and intelligent business management technologies” on the topic “Anti-crisis management of the organization.” The lecture was attended by students of the UFEM-11c group, the professor-teaching staff of the department and the dean of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management Andriy Vasylyovych Stasyshyn.
During the lecture, various types...

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Guest lecture by Iryna Kuropas “Project management in local councils: as a key to the sustainable development of communities and why should it have been implemented “yesterday”?

29.02.2024 | 17:45

February 29, 2024 Guest lecture by Iryna Kuropas “Project management in local councils: as a key to the sustainable development of communities and why should it have been implemented “yesterday”? for higher education applicants of Educational programs of the specialty Public administration and administration of the Department of Economics and Public Administration
Iryna Kuropas has more than ten years of experience in the field of project management and conducting events for local organizations and self-governing municipalities. Experience in organizing and conducting...

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Honor of the Hero of the Heavenly Hundred

29.02.2024 | 15:01

The other day, under the leadership of Olga Yaroslavna Malinovska, together with the group specializing in public management and administration, an event was held in honor of the Hero of the Heavenly Hundred, which is celebrated on February 20.
At the event, they talked about how on February 20, 2014, the largest number of Euromaidan protesters died in Kyiv – 48. They, along with other 54 dead and mortally wounded participants of peaceful protests during the winter of 2013-2014, who...

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22.02.2024 | 19:42

Language is the soul of the nation, its genetic code, many treasures of which our people are proud were born in its depths. There is no nation without its own language, its own unique culture. A person grows up in the atmosphere of his native language to such an extent that it becomes a necessary part of his personality.
International Mother Language Day is not only a reminder of the cultural diversity and multilingualism of the world, but also of...

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