
Guest lecture “State risk management in the field of anti-legalization financial monitoring”

24.10.2021 | 00:32

21/10/2021 had the opportunity to listen to a guest lecture on a very interesting topic.
Oleksander Glushchenko, Director of the Financial Monitoring System Coordination Department of the State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine, Permanent Expert of the FATF (Financial Action Task Force), Moneyval and Egmont Group.
Lecture for students of higher education educational programs “Public Management and Administration. Personnel Management in Public Authorities and Business Structures ” аnd “ Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs ”.
The topic of the guest lecture: “State risk...

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Participation of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Control in the III International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Paradigm of Public Administration”.

23.10.2021 | 10:20

During October 18-22, 2021, the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv hosted the III International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Paradigm of Public Administration”. The conference was attended by leading scientists and experts in the field of both Ukraine and neighboring countries: Georgia and Poland, who made topical reports and presentations.

The work of the conference was well organized, the participants had a lively discussion of the current state and problems of public administration, identifying ways to solve them and...

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Participation of teachers of the Department of Financial Management in the scientific-practical seminar “Exchange of experience in project and international activities”

22.10.2021 | 22:02

On October 22, 2021, the Head of the Department of Financial Management, Professor Natalia Sytnyk and Associate Professor Olga Sych took part in a scientific-practical seminar “Exchange of project and international experience”, organized jointly with the Institute of Economics and Management of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas. Prof. Natalia Sytnyk emphasized the relevance and importance of the selected topics for the exchange of experiences and acquainted the audience with research and educational projects implemented by the department.

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Department of Financial Management – co-organizer of the I International scientific-practical conference “Actual problems of financial and economic system development: priorities and prospects”

22.10.2021 | 21:52

On October 21, 2021, the Department of Financial Management of Ivan Franko Lviv National University co-organized the I International Scientific and Practical Conference of Higher Education and Young Scientists “Actual Problems of Financial and Economic System Development: Priorities and Prospects”, organized by colleagues from Lviv University of Trade and Economics.
The conference was attended by the head of the department prof. Sytnyk N.S., associate professor Petyk L.O., and applicants for higher education presented their scientific achievements.
Prof. addressed the participants of the...

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Participation of teachers of the Department of Digital Economics and Business Analytics in the online workshop from TechMagic “To Agile or Not to Agile”

22.10.2021 | 08:15

On September 21, 2021, Professor of the Department Irina Shevchuk took part in an online workshop from TechMagic “To Agile or Not to Agile”.
The workshop consisted of two parts:

theoretical – with coverage of the main questions about how and why Agile arose, why it is so popular and remains a trend for so long;
practical – where participants had the opportunity to work in teams (4-6 people) on the implementation of mini-tasks and apply new knowledge in real situations.

This format of...

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