
To the Day of Ukrainian Statehood

02.08.2022 | 20:27

On July 28, 2022, on the Day of the Christening of Kyivan Rus-Ukraine, our state for the first time celebrates the Day of Ukrainian Statehood, which was established by the Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 423 of August 24, 2021 with the aim of confirming the thousand-year-old traditions of Ukrainian statehood in the national society. Today, our state celebrates the 1540th anniversary of Ukrainian statehood, because, according to the research of foreign and domestic historians, Ukrainians are among...

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Participation of teachers of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management in the educational online summer camp “Uni-Biz Bridge Camp”

02.08.2022 | 20:13

Improving the professional skills of a modern teacher is inextricably linked with the development of soft skills. The Uni-Biz Bridge Camp project for the development of cooperation between business and universities, which took place on July 11-14, 2022, became a good opportunity for the teacher of the department of public administration and business management Olena Reshotа to get acquainted with the latest trends in the development of soft skills of teachers.
The conference program included speeches by representatives of business and...

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Seminar for the Day of Ukrainian Statehood: “Romanovichi – Ukrainian kings and grand dukes”

29.07.2022 | 20:45

On July 28, 2022, to the Day of Ukrainian Statehood, the teachers of the Department of Digital Economy and Business Analytics held a seminar on the topic: “The Romanovichs – Ukrainian kings and grand dukes.” The historical period considered at the seminar covers the reign of the branch of the Volyn Monomakhovichs from the Rurik dynasty, who ruled in the Galicia-Volyn principality – from Danylo Halytskyi to Yuriy-Boleslav Troydenovich (Yuriy II). The biographies of these Ukrainian rulers presented by the...

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Participation in the project to develop business and university cooperation “Uni-Biz Bridge Camp”

26.07.2022 | 11:15

On July 11-14, 2022, Iryna Shevchuk and Anna Zadorozhna, teachers of the Department of Digital Economy and Business Analytics of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, participated in the Uni-Biz Bridge Camp project on the development of cooperation between businesses and universities, dedicated to the development soft-skills of the teacher.
The program of the online event included the following topics:

New approaches to teaching and communication with students.
Professional burnout.
Win-win-win strategy: students – employers –...

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Participation of teachers in the conference «IT Ukraine Legal Conference 2022»

14.07.2022 | 16:28

📅On July 14, 2022, teachers of the Department of Digital Economy and Business Analytics of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv had the opportunity to participate in the conference “IT Ukraine Legal Conference 2022” organized by the “IT Ukraine” Association ( .ua). The event brought together state and business representatives, lawyers, financiers, HR and other specialists to discuss issues relevant to the Ukrainian IT industry.
The panelists focused on such issues as:

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