General faculty_news

Discussion of educational and professional programs with applicants for higher education at the Department of Financial Management

15.04.2021 | 21:43

On April 14, 2021 at the Department of Financial Management of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management an online meeting of representatives of student government and applicants for higher education of I-V courses took place.
The meeting of the student community with the guarantors of the educational programs “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs” of the first (bachelor’s) and second (master’s) levels of higher education is one of the elements of the internal quality assurance system of educational activities at the...

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Discussion of the educational program “Personnel Management in Public Authorities and Business Structures”

14.04.2021 | 23:10

14/04/2021. Meeting of the support group and applicants for higher education under the Educational Program “Personnel Management in Public Authorities and Business Structures” speciality 281 Public Administration. The Department of Economics and Public Administration is a graduate of this educational program.
Students of the first (bachelor’s) level (groups UFP-11s, UFP-12s) and the second (master’s) levels (UFPM-12s) of education met with the working group of the Educational program (Assoc. Prof. Stasyshyn A., Assoc. Prof. Kaplenko H., Assoc. Prof. Zelekno V., Assoc. Prof...

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Participation in the presentation of the algorithm “Dialogue in reforms: operating instructions”

13.04.2021 | 23:52

13/04/2021 on the online platform Zoom was a presentation of the algorithm and manual “Dialogue in Reforms: operating instructions”. The meeting was joined by masters of speciality 281 “Public Administration” of the Educational Program “Personnel Management in Public Authorities and Business Structures” (groups UFPM-12s, UFPM-12z) together with Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Kaplenko H. The meeting was moderated by Anna Yeliseyeva (Project Manager for Dialogue). Welcoming remarks were made by Ambassador Henrik Willadsen (OSCE Project Coordinator in Ukraine).

About dialogue, dialogue...

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ZOOM-lecture “Borrowings and credits: think 7 times – borrow 1 time”

13.04.2021 | 17:06

12.04.2021 lecturers of the Department of Financial Management Ph.D., Assoc. Tatarin N.B. and Ph.D., Assoc. Klepanchuk O.Yu., who teach the discipline “Finance, Money and Credit”, together with groups UFO-11, UFE-11, UFO-21, UFE-21 listened to a zoom-lecture on the topic “Borrowings and credits: think 7 times – borrow 1 time” organized by the UCU Legal Clinic of Law. The speakers of the seminar were Vitaliy Stelmashchuk and Natalia Zhdanova, Master’s students of the UCU School of Law.
At the beginning of the...

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