General faculty_news

Open lecture Candidate of Economic Sciences, Assoc. Smolinska S.D. on the topic: “Socio-economic indicators of family living standards”

11.05.2021 | 21:15

May 11, 2021 Ph.D., Associate Professor of Financial Management Smolinska S.D. An open lecture was held on the topic: “Socio-economic indicators of family living standards” for students of groups 204, 205 and 206 in the disciplines of free choice of students “Fundamentals of maintaining their own and family budget.”

The following issues were covered at the lecture:
• The main indicators of living standards in Ukraine
• Wages of the population of Ukraine
• Income and expenses of families in...

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Participation of teachers of the Department of Digital Economics and Business Analytics in a series of webinars from SoftServe and Microsoft “How to teach and learn online effectively: best tools and practices”

07.05.2021 | 12:38

In the period from 20.04.2021 to 29.04.2021 teachers of the Department of Digital Economics and Business Analytics Shevchuk I.B., Zadorozhna A.V., Starukh A.I. and Vaskiv O.M. participated in the event “How to teach and learn online effectively: best tools and practices”, organized by SoftServe and Microsoft.
The curriculum consisted of four online lectures: “Teaching Online with MS Teams”, “Tips & Tricks Microsoft Teams”, “Alice in Wonderland or How to Build Successful Communication” and “Online Balance: Effective Communication, Productive Collaboration”. They presented...

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05.05.2021 | 12:15

Increased decentralization processes in the system of administrative and territorial reforms in Ukraine have necessitated the vision and creative comprehension of both the problematic issues of the consequences of changing the powers of authority at the local level and peculiarities of functioning under this mechanism of public management and administration. Because of this, the educational and scientific communities are becoming more and more attentive to the issue of decentralization, which is inevitably taking into account...

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Patriotic education of youth as the formation of the nation’s patriotism

01.05.2021 | 08:17

April 30, 2021, on the eve of Easter, Associate Professor of Financial Management Kruglyakova V.V. together with students of the academic group UFF-23s (educational program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs”) held an educational hour on the topic: “Patriotic education of youth as the formation of patriotism of the nation.” The relevance of this topic is due to the process of formation of civil society in Ukraine, the formation of a single nation.
During the educational event, the counselor and students discussed...

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Open lecture of associate professor Myshchyshyn O.Ya. on the topic “Using graph theory to solve network problems”

30.04.2021 | 14:31

April 29, 2021 lecturer at the Department of Digital Economics and Business Analytics Myshchyshyn O.Ya. for students of the group UFE-31, studying in the educational program “Information Technology in Business” specialty 051 “Economics”, held an open lecture on “Operations Research” on “Using graph theory to solve network problems”.
The lecture covered the sequence of construction of optimization algorithms for solving network problems. Using graph theory and the Python programming language, real examples of using the Dijkstra algorithm for route optimization problems...

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