05.05.2021 | 12:15

Increased decentralization processes in the system of administrative and territorial reforms in Ukraine have necessitated the vision and creative comprehension of both the problematic issues of the consequences of changing the powers of authority at the local level and peculiarities of functioning under this mechanism of public management and administration. Because of this, the educational and scientific communities are becoming more and more attentive to the issue of decentralization, which is inevitably taking into account the vital interests of modern state-creation, bringing it closer to the interests and activation of the welfare of specific territorial communities.

The vision of problematic aspects of community development and finding innovative approaches to decentralization become a priority basis on the part of managers, crystallizing scientific concepts and implementing them in practice through effective management solutions.

So, the specified decentralization problematics with a focus on power formation and education of state-creative patriotism of nation became the center of crystallization of interdepartmental attention of investigators of both science and education, which proceeded to the protection of doctoral dissertations at specialized academic councils 28-29 September 2021 at the National University «Chernihivska Polytechnic» and the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine, where Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences Borys Karpinsky (Department of Public Administration and Business Management, Faculty of Financial Management and Business of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv) acted as an official opponent and member of the specialized academic committee. In particular, Larysa Pershko’s doctoral dissertation investigated theoretical and practical aspects of local budget formation due to decentralization, and Irina Tsymbaliuk’s research systematically outlined the fiscal space of inclusive development of the region in the conditions of financial decentralization. The purposeful and creative crystallization of the efforts of scientists and educators on financial decentralization determines the rational creation and use of budgetary funds of the united territorial communities, forming their financial stability and autonomy, and thus synthesizing the fundamental bases of the paradigms of state-creative patriotism of nation and state-creation.

Scientific views of the investigators on the issues also find their reflection in the curricula of the disciplines, which allows us to use modern scientific theories in the educational process, active involvement of students in gaining knowledge and sensitively optimize the time to their practical use of promising instrumentation for the solution of specific production situations. The issues of activation of knowledge, spirituality, education of power, and creative position in the students become a valid criterion for the efficient strategic development of interdepartmental cooperation between scientists and educators, ensuring the success of creative innovations in the system of public management and administration for effective implementation of the needs of the Ukrainian society.