News of the Department of Financial Management

Visiting the art space Lviv Palace of Arts by students of UFF-41p

10.05.2024 | 17:07

On May 1, 2024, students of UFF-41 together with adviser Ulyana Vatamanyuk-Zelinska visited the Lviv Palace of Arts. The presented expositions and original projects made it possible to dive into his art space, in particular, they visited the opening of the exhibition project “Our Daily Bread”, in which the works of the People’s Artist of Ukraine Myroslav Otkovich reveal a vision of the history and unique place of bread, starting from Christianity, through the ancient times of Trypilly , the...

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Educational hour “Chernobyl – the pain of Ukraine”

28.04.2024 | 23:50

On April 26, 2024, the UFF-34s group held an educational hour on the topic “Chernobyl – the pain of Ukraine” (advisor – associate professor of the Department of Financial Management Iryna Yasinovska).
The accident that occurred in April 1986 at the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant became one of the biggest disasters in the history of mankind. This disaster left irreparable wounds in the hearts of many people and had an extremely large impact on the...

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A visit to the KPMG office

11.04.2024 | 19:47

On April 4, a tour of education seekers of the OPP “Financial Management” took place to the Lviv office of the KPMG company. During the meeting, the student youth had the opportunity to learn about the company’s work “first-hand” from its manager Maksym Wojciechovskyi. The participants of the event learned about the work of the departments, learned about internship and employment opportunities from Nikita Prokopets. A pleasant surprise was the opportunity to talk with graduates and current students of the...

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Meeting with the director of the INGO insurance company

27.03.2024 | 22:57

On March 26, 2024, as part of the “Step to Career” project, a meeting of the students of the “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs” and “Financial Management” educational programs took place with Olga Ivanovna, director of the Lviv branch of the INGO insurance company Kostyshyn Olha Ivanivna.
Speaker Olha Ivanivna described the areas of activity of SC INGO, presented typical cases of insurance cases typical of the conditions of martial law, and highlighted the peculiarities of the functioning of the insurance...

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Meeting with the head of the central branch and HRD of Bank Lviv as part of the Step to Career project.

26.03.2024 | 21:29

On March 25, 2024, the Department of Financial Management of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management, with the support of the Career Development Department of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, organized a meeting of students of the Finance, Customs and Taxation program with the Head of the Central Branch of Bank Lviv Mariana Shostak and HRD of Bank Lviv Lidia Melnyk as part of the KROK do Karier project.
The speakers presented the main aspects of Bank Lviv’s activities...

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