
Discussion of the educational and professional program “Public Administration and Business Management” of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education with stakeholders

13.10.2023 | 09:17

On October 10, 2023, a meeting was held at the Department of Public Administration and Business Management to discuss the educational and professional program “Public Administration and Business Management” of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education with Mr. B. Ivanus, Head of the Professional Education Department of the Development Department of the Lviv City Council, Stakeholder of the educational program, and leading specialist of the Department of Internship and HR Practice of the Lviv City Council, as...

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Scientific seminar “International academic mobility of students: experience and development prospects” for students of the ЕP “Information technologies in business”

12.10.2023 | 21:26

On October 11, 2023, a scientific seminar “International academic mobility of students: experience and development prospects” was held as part of the celebration of the University Day for students of the OP “Information Technologies in Business”. The speakers were 3rd-year student Anna Kozyk (group UFE-31c) and associate professor of the department of digital economy and business analytics A. V. Zadorozhna, who shared their experience of academic mobility under the Erasmus+ program. Anna Kozik told the students of the OP “Information...

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Guest lecture “Academic integrity” for applicants of specialty 281 “Public management and administration”

12.10.2023 | 16:54

On October 11, 2023, as part of the “Academic Integrity Week”, the Department of Public Administration and Business Management organized a guest lecture on the topic “Academic Integrity” for students of the first (bachelor’s), second (master’s) and third (postgraduate) levels of higher education, specialty 281 “Public management and administration”. The event was held in an offline/online format.
The guest speaker was Dmytro Novak – Head of the social and humanitarian section of the Scientific...

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Academic mobility of the associate professor of the Department of Digital Economy and Business Analytics to the Lithuanian Business University of Applied Sciences within the framework of the ERASMUS+ program

12.10.2023 | 16:53

The Erasmus+ program provides an opportunity to study, do an internship or teach in another country participating in the program. The goal of the academic mobility of scientific and pedagogical workers is to exchange professional knowledge, gain teaching experience in a European and international environment, and get acquainted with the peculiarities of the organization of training in advanced educational institutions of the world.
From October 2 to October 6, 2023, within the framework of the EU Erasmus+ project, the associate professor...

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Visiting the charity exhibition “Warriors of Light” by students of the UFP-41s group of the educational program “Public Administration and Business Management”

12.10.2023 | 16:51

On October 11, 2023, higher education students of the UFP-41s group of the Public Administration and Business Management Program together with curator Olena Reshota, associate professor of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management, attended the grand opening of the charity exhibition “Warriors of Light” by the Ukrainian-American artist Max Vityk.
The solemn event, timed to celebrate the University Days, began with a welcome speech by the Rector of the University...

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