Discussion of the educational and professional program “Public Administration and Business Management” of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education with stakeholders

13.10.2023 | 09:17

On October 10, 2023, a meeting was held at the Department of Public Administration and Business Management to discuss the educational and professional program “Public Administration and Business Management” of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education with Mr. B. Ivanus, Head of the Professional Education Department of the Development Department of the Lviv City Council, Stakeholder of the educational program, and leading specialist of the Department of Internship and HR Practice of the Lviv City Council, as well as the curator of the Internship Program in the Lviv City Council “First Career Step,” Mr. N. Tomchuk.

Guarantor of the educational program “Public administration and business management” Assoc. Prof. O. Reshota presented directions for improving and changing the educational program and emphasized the main focus of the educational program , namely the focus on training modern practitioners in public management and administration and professionals in the field of business management, capable of performing administrative, managerial, and analytical work in public authorities and business structures.

During the discussion of the educational and professional program with the guarantor, members of the project group, and the teaching staff of the department, Mr. B. Ivanus and Mr. N. Tomchuk emphasized the importance of further strengthening the practical orientation of the educational program and the training of highly qualified specialists in the field of public administration and business management in accordance with the demands of the modern labor market and potential employers. Also, the stakeholders promised maximum assistance in attracting students of higher education of the educational and professional program to practice and internship in the Lviv United Territorial Community with the potential for further employment.

The Department of Public Administration and Business Management would like to thank Mr. B. Ivanus and Ms. N. Tomchuk!