
From Theory to Practice: Excursion of Students from the Educational Program in Public Administration and Business Management to Lviv City Council

09.11.2023 | 16:17

On November 8th, students and professors from the Department of Public Administration and Business Management of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv visited Lviv City Council. This excursion was organized in collaboration with the head of the Professional Education Department, Bogdan Ivanus, who is a key stakeholder of the educational program. The purpose of the visit was to familiarize the students with the work of...

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Integrated class on business analysis for military children and Heroes of Ukraine, participants of the “Camp of Future Professions”

09.11.2023 | 12:16

On November 2, 2023, teachers of the Department of Digital Economy and Business Analytics of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv together with the students of the UFE-21s group of the ЕP “Information Technologies in Business” held an integrated class for military children, Heroes of Ukraine, as well as orphans who lost their parents due to Russian aggression against the civilian population.
The participants of the “Camp of Future Professions” from the...

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Non-formal education: a step towards improving hard skills

08.11.2023 | 21:06

Informal education, which is effectively implemented and applied in Ukraine thanks to the informatization of education, opens up new opportunities for student youth. Among its main advantages is access to large volumes of resources that can be used by students of higher education outside the classrooms; increasing the efficiency of assimilation of educational material; academic freedom (the applicant has the opportunity to independently choose the course, training, webinar he wants to attend/attend/study, methods, strategies, methods and means of education); improvement...

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Participation of students of the specialty 281 “Public management and administration” and teachers of the department of public administration and business management in the EU Career Days 2023

08.11.2023 | 14:24

During October 2023, students of specialty 281 “Public management and administration” and professors and teaching staff of the department of public administration and business management of the faculty of finance and business management of the Ivan Franko Lviv National University took part in the EU Career Days 2023, which took place for the 7th time in within the walls of Ivan Franko Lviv National University.
As part of the event, students and...

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08.11.2023 | 11:59

On November 6, 2023, an open lecture was held on the Microsoft Teams platform by the associate professor of the Department of Financial Management, Candidate of Economic Sciences, for the first (bachelor) level of education of the OP “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs”. Kruhliakova Vira Volodymyrivna from the educational component “Financial Compliance’ on the topic ‘Financial Monitoring and Compliance Control in Financial Institutions”. The lecture was attended by students of the 4th year of study of groups 41, 42, 43...

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