
Participation of teachers of the Department of Digital Economics and Business Analytics in the online training “Odoo / Bjet – innovative tools for business management”

02.07.2021 | 12:02

On June 15-25, 2021, an intensive online training (Zoom platform) “Odoo / Bjet – innovative tools for business management” was held, which was attended by Oksana Vaskiv, a lecturer at the Department of Digital Economics and Business Analytics.
The training took place in the format: 5 lectures online; access to the BJet platform; practical tasks; obtaining a certificate at the end of the training.
The following topics were widely covered at the training: 1) Introduction to Odoo / Bjet; 2) Accounting and...

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Participation of teachers of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Control and students-accountants in the First International Educational Forum of Sustainability

02.07.2021 | 11:00

On June 17-18, 2021, Ukraine hosted the First International Sustainability Education Forum: an educational and interactive event in the field of sustainable development that will help businesses become attractive to investors, partners and consumers.
Teachers of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management, including the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Control, at the invitation of a graduate of 071 “Accounting and Taxation” Bilyakovskaya Christina joined in direct participation in this large-scale project.
14 top speakers from 7 countries, representatives of the EBRD...

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Participation in the international webinar “RE / think HR – Performance Management in Remote and Hybrid Work Environments”

26.06.2021 | 10:52

24/06/2021 Associate Professor Kaplenko GV and masters of the Educational Program “Personnel Management in Public Authorities and Business Structures” took part in the international webinar “RE / think HR – Performance Management in Remote and Hybrid Work Environment”.
During the panel discussion, Laszlo Cser (HR Director, Kuehne + Nagel, Hungary), Emel Mordo (Director People & Culture, Philip Morris International, Ukraine, Caucasus & Moldova) and Peter Sandin (CEO, ComAp Group, Czech Republic) shared their thoughts. Sweden).

We heard interesting views on...

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Participation in the online conference “Horizon Europe Information Day in Ukraine”

26.06.2021 | 10:08

On June 25, 2021, the Department of Economics and Public Administration teachers took part in the online conference “Information Day of the program” Horizon Europe “in Ukraine”. The event was supported by the European Commission. The organizers were the Austrian Center “Zentrum für Soziale Innovation” and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

During the event, the following blocks of issues were considered:

The general structure of the Horizon Europe Program and features of receiving funding.
Typical clusters and missions of Horizon...

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