

14.06.2022 | 20:04

According to the results of the International competition of student research papers “Management, social and behavioral sciences in the implementation of sustainable development” on the basis of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas with the assistance of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Department of Financial Management Bodnar Roksolana (supervisor Assoc. Prof. Sloboda L.O.) became the winner and received a diploma of II degree.
Despite all the difficulties of wartime, 34 Ukrainian and foreign higher education...

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Participation of scientists of the Faculty in the round table “Scientific and educational diplomacy: new challenges and tasks”

14.06.2022 | 17:32

On June 14, 2022, Iryna Shevchuk, Head of the Department of Digital Economics and Business Analytics, took part in a round table “Scientific and Educational Diplomacy: New Challenges and Tasks”, organized by the NGO “National Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine”. Its participants discussed a wide range of issues, including:
modernization of higher education in the face of Russia’s invasion of the Ukrainian state;
creation of conditions for effective activity of scientific and pedagogical workers during the war;

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Meeting of students with a graduate of the educational program “Personnel Management in Public Authorities and Business Structures”

13.06.2022 | 20:21

On June 9, students of the educational programs “Public Management and Administration” and “Personnel Management in Public Authorities and Business Structures” of the first and second levels of education spoke with Dmytro Pfister, a graduate of 2021.
Who better to talk about employment opportunities than our graduates. Thus, our students had the opportunity to hear the benefits of educational programs in which they receive higher education and their opportunities after higher education. What skills and abilities do employers want to see...

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Meeting of students with the stakeholder of educational programs of specialty 281 Public administration and administration

13.06.2022 | 20:18

On June 8, students of the educational programs “Public Management and Administration” and “Personnel Management in Public Authorities and Business Structures” of the first and second levels of education had the opportunity to talk to a practitioner of Pidberiztsivka territorial community. The meeting took place with the councillor to the head of the Pidberiztsy territorial community, Ph.D. Andrii Pelekhatyi.
The topic of our meeting: Strategic management and planning in local communities (within the educational component “Formation and capacity building of local...

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Cooperation with stakeholders in the educational program “Personnel Management in Public Authorities and Business Structures”

13.06.2022 | 14:29

On May 27, students of the Faculty of Financial and Business Management, namely the program “Personnel Management in Public Authorities and Business Structures” (Department of Economics and Public Administration) had the opportunity to present their team projects for the first time.
Second-year students and some third-year students worked with mentors.
A total of 6 projects were presented to the jury: teams developed programs to support the moral health and well-being of employees, researched the development environment of companies and individual professional development...

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