General faculty_news

Educational event: combination of knowledge in the specialty 281 Public administration and administration with environmental education

07.04.2021 | 00:50

As part of the educational event, they took part in an online webinar organized by the Educational Assembly “Zero Waste: where to start saving the world”. Cross-cutting theme of the webinar: “Can you live at least one day without throwing garbage?” Of course: if you give up food and drinks, you will not go to the store for shopping and will not consume anything. In today’s world it is difficult to completely avoid waste, but to be eco-conscious is within...

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Open lecture of associate professor Pikulyk O. “Household Consumption”

07.04.2021 | 00:28

April 6, 2021 Associate Professor of Economics and Public Administration Pikulyk Oksana conducted an open lecture on the subject “Macroeconomics” for first-year students majoring in 072 “Finance, Banking and Insurance” on the topic: “Household consumption”. The lecture was conducted remotely in the form of a multimedia presentation using the corporate platform Teams.

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Open lecture on the discipline “Creating own business”

06.04.2021 | 15:58

On April 5, the Department of Financial Management hosted an open lecture by Associate Professor Olga Sych on the topic: “Marketing plan of a business project” for third-year students studying the discipline “Creating own business”.
The lecture covered the essence and elements of marketing, the structure of the marketing plan, analysis of modern marketing strategies. Students watched a video that highlighted the basic principles of marketing, got acquainted with successful examples of marketing strategies by well-known companies in Ukraine and around...

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Advanced training by teachers of the Department of Digital Economics and Business Analytics at Prometheus online courses

05.04.2021 | 16:49

Associate Professor of Digital Economics and Business Analytics Anna Starukh took an online course “Fundamentals of Software Testing” from Prometheus. The course program included general software testing concepts. In particular, the software development process, types of testing and requirements analysis, test cases, test design techniques, and defect search and tracking. As a result of final testing she received a certificate confirming the successful completion of the courses.

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Student’s online discussion of the scientific group “Derzhavotvorets” on the topic: “Problematic aspects of public administration during pandemic”

05.04.2021 | 11:33

On April 1, 2021, a student’s online discussion on “Problematic aspects of public administration and administration in a pandemic” was held within the scientific circle “Derzhavotvorets” of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management (scientific supervisor – Reshota O. A.)
Students of 1-4 years of study in the specialty “Public Administration” took an active part in the discussion. The report on the topic “Leadership qualities of a modern manager” was made by...

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