News of the Department of Economics and Public Administration

Meeting with stakeholders: we supplement theory with practice

09.04.2021 | 16:21

07/04/2021 applicants of the first (bachelor’s) level of the Educational Program “Personnel Management in Public Authorities and Business Structures” (groups UFP-12s, UFP-22s) had a meeting with a representative of the Lviv IT cluster Dmytrasevych Orest.
Topic of the meeting: Leader or leader.

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Start of the spring session of the youth school “Self-Branding and Leadership”

07.04.2021 | 01:48

The spring session of the Youth School “Self-Branding and Leadership” started on 03/04/2021. The school is designed for students in grades 10-11, students of colleges and lyceums and provides 5 modules (modules developed by teachers of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management and the Department of Economics and Public Management).

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Educational event: combination of knowledge in the specialty 281 Public administration and administration with environmental education

07.04.2021 | 00:50

As part of the educational event, they took part in an online webinar organized by the Educational Assembly “Zero Waste: where to start saving the world”. Cross-cutting theme of the webinar: “Can you live at least one day without throwing garbage?” Of course: if you give up food and drinks, you will not go to the store for shopping and will not consume anything. In today’s world it is difficult to completely avoid waste, but to be eco-conscious is within...

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Open lecture of associate professor Pikulyk O. “Household Consumption”

07.04.2021 | 00:28

April 6, 2021 Associate Professor of Economics and Public Administration Pikulyk Oksana conducted an open lecture on the subject “Macroeconomics” for first-year students majoring in 072 “Finance, Banking and Insurance” on the topic: “Household consumption”. The lecture was conducted remotely in the form of a multimedia presentation using the corporate platform Teams.

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Discussion with masters of educational programs “Public Administration and Business Management” and “Personnel Management in Public Authorities and Business Structures”

03.04.2021 | 10:08

Стратегія реформування вищої освіти передбачає створення системи моніторингу та постійного поліпшення якості вищої освіти, що відповідає рекомендаціям і стандартам Європейського простору вищої освіти, враховує кращі світові практики та виступає головною технологією досягнення відповідності освітньої системи вимогам і потребам суспільства.
02.04.2021 року гаранти освітніх програм (доц., д.е.н Комарницька Г.О., доц., д.е.н. Капленко Г.В.) та члени груп забезпечення освітніх програм (декан факультету доц., к.е.н. Стасишин А.В., проф., д.е.н. Карпінський Б.А., доц., к.е.н. Герасименко О.В., доц., к.е.н. Зеленко В.А., доц., к.е.н. Пак Н.Т., доц....

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