
Protection of pre-diploma practice by masters of OP “Information technologies in business”

23.11.2022 | 11:14

Industrial (pre-diploma) practice is the final stage of practical training, which is carried out before the defense of qualification (master’s) theses and is an integral part of the process of training specialists in the specialization “Information technologies in business”
On November 18, 2022, at the Faculty of Finance and Business Management, at the Department of Digital Economy and Business Analytics, the pre-diploma practice defense was held by students of the 2nd year of the Master’s program, group UFEM-21s.
Bases of pre-diploma practice...

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About the winter examination session 2022/2023

23.11.2022 | 10:27

In accordance with the Rector’s order No. 5146 of 11/18/2022 “On the conduct of the winter examination session 2022/23 of the academic year”:

The winter examination session of the 2022/2023 academic year for students of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th years of the first (bachelor) level of higher education will be held in a classroom format. The winter examination session of the 2022/2023 academic year for students of the 1st and 2nd years (1.9 years) of the second (master’s) level...

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Meeting of the student research group of the department of digital economy and business analytics “Kyberprostir”

22.11.2022 | 15:38

On November 21, 2022, there was a meeting of the student research group of the department of digital economy and business analytics “CYBERPROSTIR” (section 2 “Using information technologies in the study of socio-economic phenomena” – head of Doctor of Economics, Professor I.B. Shevchuk).
The meeting of the scientific circle was attended by first-year students studying under the OP “Information technologies in business” specialty 051 “Economics”.
The head of the circle focused the attention of the students of higher education on the fact...

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Defense of reports on the industrial pre-diploma practice of the second-year masters of the specialty “Accounting and taxation” specialization “Accounting, analysis and financial investigations”

22.11.2022 | 09:38

On November 18, in online format, the department of accounting, analysis and control held the defense of the reports on the industrial pre-diploma practice of the second-year masters of the specialty “Accounting and taxation” specialization “Accounting, analysis and financial investigations”.
In conditions of high competition on the labor market, practical training is of great importance for future specialists, since practical skills and abilities are primarily required for admission to a position based on the results of competitive selection. Practice is designed...

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