
Internship of teachers of the department of digital economy and business analytics on the topic “Progressive teaching: components of the quality system of higher education”

02.05.2023 | 12:16

From March 15 to April 19, 2023, Iryna SHEVCHUK, head of the Department of Digital Economy and Business Analytics, the guarantor of the educational program “Information Technologies in Business” of the second (master’s) level of higher education, specialty 051 “Economics”, completed the advanced training course “Progressive Teaching: components of the quality system of higher education”, organized by the NGO “Progressylni”.

A series of online meetings took place in various formats (lectures, public talk, discussions, training), at which speakers, including representatives...

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Internship of teachers of the Department of Financial Management

01.05.2023 | 15:54

In the period from March 15 to April 19, 2023, the guarantors of educational programs and the teaching staff of the Department of Financial Management, namely Doctor of Economics, Prof. Sytnyk N.S., doctor of economics, prof. Vatamanyuk-Zelinska U.Z., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Assoc. Yu.V. Shushkova, Doctor of Economics, Assoc. Zakhidna O.R. and Doctor of Economics, Assoc. L.O. Petyk, took part in a series of professional development events “Progressive teaching: components of the quality system of higher education”.
During the internship, the...

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Completion of the continuing education programme ”Impact of Changing EU-Russia Relations on the Development of Eastern Partnership” in the University of Tartu

01.05.2023 | 10:02

Olena Herasymenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, has completed the continuing education programme ”Impact of Changing EU-Russia Relations on the Development of Eastern Partnership” (06 March 2023 – 09 April 2023)  in the University of Tartu.
The course is developed within the framework of the Jean Monnet Module NearEU with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
During 5 weeks of participating everyone had a...

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01.05.2023 | 09:16

Borys Karpinsky
Certificate Borys Karpinskyi (Participation) – Doha, Qatar – 16-18-03-2023
VII Міжнародна програма наукового стажування-3
Special attention for the ЕPP «Public administration and business management» is paid to the purposeful analysis of best practices from similar specialties and their effective involvement in the educational process. In fact, this is facilitated by multi-faceted international internships, which are conducted at the Department of «Public Administration and Business Management» of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.Yes...

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