26.04.2023 | 06:06

On April 25, 2023, our intensive marathon will be extended.

Yaroslav Koval (head of the Interregional Department of the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service Issues in Lviv and Zakarpattia Oblasts).

The speaker characterised the legislative framework on civil service issues and defined the peculiarities of the categories “civil service” and “civil servant”, emphasising the principles of service to the people of Ukraine, publicity, political impartiality, democracy and legality, humanism and social justice. The difference between the state structure and the local self-government body was defined. Emphasis is placed on restrictions for civil servants: having their own business, being a member of parliament, and the age limit of up to 65. The introduction of open tenders for public service employment, per current legislation, made it possible to prevent corruption schemes and to try out opportunities for all those with the necessary knowledge and skills. The speaker paid a lot of attention to the main components of the competence of a civil servant: perception of changes, understanding of legislation, flexibility, and digital literacy. Different categories of civil servants were characterised, and the reforms that took place in remuneration were identified, which include fixed salaries, seniority bonuses, intensity allowances and bonuses for quality work. Non-fulfilment of duties may result in reprimands and dismissal from public service. During the war in Ukraine, the work of state structures underwent significant changes, which required particular concentration and coordination of efforts from state employees to fulfil priority tasks.

Danylo Sorokovy (executive director of the Association of Local Councils “Councils of Lviv Region”, public activist).

Trying to answer the question: “How to achieve success?” Danylo Olegovich talked about his creative path, activities in the field of business, fulfilling the duties of an event coordinator at the “Lviv Arena”, practical experience of working in the Ministry of Economy, working as a co-organiser of the “Publishers’ Forum”, volunteering, work as the executive director of the Association of Local Councils.

The Association unites 7 district councils and 63 territorial communities. The main tasks of the Association: development of cooperation of local self-government bodies for the implementation of regional development projects; raising the professional level of representatives of local self-government bodies in matters of intensifying their participation in national and international programs; promoting the sustainable development of communities through the implementation of business projects, cultural events, involvement of grant-makers and donors; formation of community investment passports; development of local infrastructure; creation of a comfortable and safe environment for community life. The activity was considered a synergy of several people to achieve a common goal. The speaker emphasised the importance of communication in the life of young people, attending public events, and volunteering. According to the speaker: “Volunteering provides an opportunity to get behind the scenes of organising events, get to know project leaders and expand your circle of contacts.”

Speakers from the “Energy-efficient Cities of Ukraine” Association: Serhiy Kosharuk (advisor-consultant on energy efficiency, ecology and community development), Maryana Prystupa (deputy executive director).

Employees of the “Energy-efficient Cities of Ukraine” Association presented their views on sustainable development through environmental and climate components. The speakers drew the audience’s attention to the following problems: How to improve the environment? How to learn to use resources rationally? How to switch to renewable energy sources? How to ensure the energy efficiency of the city? Planning the city’s budget primarily involves planning the costs of energy resources. It is impossible to allow the overuse of resources, and, at the same time, saving resources should be reasonable enough to create comfortable living conditions for the population. For this, it is necessary to teach people to manage energy in the city, to take into account and implement the experience of European countries.

The Agreement of Mayors is a general initiative of the European Union with the participation of local and regional authorities, which undertake voluntary commitments to increase energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources in their territories. The participants of the Agreement undertake to reduce electricity consumption and greenhouse gas emissions by at least 20%, thereby contributing to “green” economic growth and improving the quality of life. Завдяки своїм унікальним характеристикам, Угода мерів позиціонується інститутами ЄС як виняткова модель широкого руху та багаторівневого управління, яка об’єднує місцеві, регіональні і національні сили задля досягнення цілей, пов’язаних зі зміною клімату і споживанням електроенергії. Для реалізації таких ініціатив розробляються відповідні програми, відбувається підготовка стратегій,  націлених на реалізацію проєктів, які передбачають різні джерела фінансування: інвестиції, кредити та гранди.