News of the Department of Public administration and Business management


24.12.2021 | 11:37

On December 23, 2021, the teachers of the Department of PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND BUSINESS MANAGEMENT held a methodological seminar on the topic: “Academic integrity – the key to quality education.” The main purpose of the seminar was to consider the rules established by law, which should guide the participants of the educational process, in order to ensure confidence in the quality and results of learning.
Head of the department – Komarnytska G.O. stressed that academic integrity is an integral part of...

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Public discussion “Results of the Eastern Partnership Summit: what is the” added value “for Ukraine?”

20.12.2021 | 14:51

On December 17, 2021, research and teaching staff of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management attended a public discussion “Results of the Eastern Partnership Summit: what is the” added value “for Ukraine?” online.
During the event, participants heard the views and views of the authorities, the public and experts on the results of the 6th Eastern Partnership Summit (December 15, 2021), as well as the ambitions and political goals set out in the new policy documents. Read more »

Participation of teachers of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management in the Conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of Ukraine

08.12.2021 | 09:43

On December 2, 2021, teachers of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management took part in the VII Annual Conference PGA «30 Years of Independence: Where is Ukraine Moving?», which was held with the support of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Representation in Ukraine. The meeting brought together scholars and practitioners from the public and non-governmental sectors to determine Ukraine’s achievements over 30 years of independence and possible directions for its further development. Three panel discussions...

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Participation of teachers of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management in the Forum “Human Capital – 2030”

06.12.2021 | 14:50

On December 2-3, 2021, the scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management took part in the Forum “Human Capital – 2030”, organized by the National Qualifications Agency.
The subject of the Forum was the effectiveness of the formation and development of one of the most valuable resources – human capital, as this resource is the driving force of economic development and social transformation, development and harmonization of professional and...

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As part of the project “Dialogue with Employers” a meeting was held on “Management. Finances. Audit »

26.11.2021 | 12:38

On November 25, 2021, within the framework of the project “Dialogue with Employers” a meeting of applicants for higher education and teachers of educational programs “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs”, “Public Administration and Business Management”, “Public Administration and Administration”, “Personnel Management in public authorities and business structures “,” Accounting, analysis and financial investigations” with stakeholders on “Management. Finances. Audit”. The event was organized by the Department of Career Development and Business Cooperation of the Center for Marketing and Development of...

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