News of the Department of Public administration and Business management

Round table of the student scientific circle “State Creator” of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management

25.11.2022 | 10:24

On November 22, 2022, the Round Table of the student scientific circle “State Creator” of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management was held on the topic: “Actual problems of public administration and administration in wartime.” More than 35 participants joined the event: students of higher education in the 1st-5th years of the educational program “Public Administration and Business Management” and the teaching staff of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management...

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Creative Spark Forum: Renovate Ukraine

25.11.2022 | 10:15

On November 15-17, 2022, the Creative Spark: Renovate Ukraine forum took place in Lviv in offline and online formats – a forum for creative education, startups and student entrepreneurship. Among the participants are more than 50 speakers from the field of startups and entrepreneurship, representatives of the government, innovation platforms, trainers and teachers of international and Ukrainian universities. Hanna KOMARNYTSKA, Head of the department of public administration and business management of the faculty...

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25.11.2022 | 10:10

On November 19, the Youth Model of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly took place in the session hall of the Lviv Regional Council, in which 73 participants from 9 universities of Lviv and Ukraine, including the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, took part.
The invited guests of the NATO Youth PA were Iryna Hrymak – Head of the Lviv Regional Council, Olga Stefanishyna – Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine, Ruksandra Popa – Secretary General of the...

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Congratulations to the student OKSANA BODNAR and the scientific supervisor, candidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management OLGA MALINOVSKA with the victory!

14.11.2022 | 15:56

On November 3, 2022, the Institute of Innovative Development Strategies and Knowledge Transfer as part of the international educational and scientific project “Territory of innovations: best practices for sustainable development at the local level” announced the results of the All-Ukrainian competition for scientific works “Innovations for the restoration of Ukraine: the view of youth”.
45 works from 32 institutions of higher education and scientific institutions of Ukraine were submitted to the competition. According to the results of the participation, the authors...

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Visiting the “Shelter” exhibition by students of the UFP-31s group of the educational program “Public Administration and Business Management”

10.11.2022 | 09:48

On November 8, 2022, students of the UFP-31s group of the educational program “Public Administration and Business Management” together with the advisor of the group O. Reshota, associate professor of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management, visited the exhibition of modern art “Shelter”, dedicated to the Day of Defenders of Ukraine.
Students had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the works of Ukrainian artists, created by artists from Transcarpathia Attila Kopriva, Yurii Shelevytskyi, Serhii Lakatosh and...

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