Visiting the “Shelter” exhibition by students of the UFP-31s group of the educational program “Public Administration and Business Management”

10.11.2022 | 09:48

On November 8, 2022, students of the UFP-31s group of the educational program “Public Administration and Business Management” together with the advisor of the group O. Reshota, associate professor of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management, visited the exhibition of modern art “Shelter”, dedicated to the Day of Defenders of Ukraine.

Students had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the works of Ukrainian artists, created by artists from Transcarpathia Attila Kopriva, Yurii Shelevytskyi, Serhii Lakatosh and Oleksandr Zhiltsov. The artists’ paintings are mostly painted in a palette of dark colors, because they convey the artists’ reflections on the war on the territory of Ukraine. The main slogan of the exhibition was: “Creating art and the future – this is Ukraine.”

The students found the paintings of Oleksandr Zhiltsov, an immigrant artist who was forced to leave his home twice due to russian aggression: in 2015, leaving Donetsk and moving to Kyiv, and in 2022, from Kyiv to Mukachevo, where he was sheltered by fellow artists. In an interview with one of the Transcarpathian publications, Oleksandr Zhiltsov said that the oppressive emotions from the experience did not allow the artist to create: “…I approached the canvas – and it was empty. There was nothing, no feeling. I felt the devastation of this war. And then somehow there came a time when I realized that I could not help drawing… Creativity changed a little, I became different. Apparently, it is normal when an artist reflects the situation, passes it through himself…”

Students also had the opportunity to participate in a charity fundraiser for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and received branded gifts from the organizers of the art event.

The exposition of the “Shelter” exhibition allowed students to see the tragic events of the war through the eyes of creative personalities and forced them to think again about what a great price the Ukrainian people pay for their independence, which is heroically chosen by our brave Defenders and Defenders.

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes!


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