Master of Public Administration

Field of knowledge: 28 Public administration and administration

Specialty: 281 Public Administration

Educational program 2021

1st semester

Subject Lectures Lab. Practice. For the week Reporting
Стратегічне управління та управління змінами (англ) 8 8 Exam
Methodology and organization of scientific research in management 8 8 Test
Conceptual principles of public administration and administration 8 8 Exam
Tools of public communication and interaction in public administration 8 8 Exam
Social partnership 8 8 Exam
Coursework Differentiated test


2-й семестр

Subject Lectures Lab. Practice. For the week Reporting
Project and innovation management 10 10 Exam
European integration and sustainable development 12 8 Exam
Information technologies, resources and services in management and administration 12 8 Диференц залік
Good governance 12 8 Exam
Leadership and self-management 6 6 Test
Public service and professional ethics (master’s degree) 8 6 Test
Foreign experience in public managеment and administration 8 6 Test
Industrial practice (specialization) Differentiated test


3-й семестр

Subject Lectures Lab. Practice. For the week Reporting
Making management decisions in the field of public administration and administration 8 8 Exam
Legal support of public administration 12 12 Exam
Functioning and development of local self-government system 12 12 Exam
Formation and development of capacities of territorial communities 8 4 Test
Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of government and local government 8 4 Test
Mechanisms and technologies of public administration 8 4 Test
State anti-corruption policy and anti-corruption in the civil service 8 4 Test
Виробнича (переддипломна) практика Differentiated test