Organization and methods of audit

Тип: На вибір студента

Кафедра: department of accounting, analysis and control

Навчальний план



СеместрК-сть годинЛекторГрупа(и)
916доцент Honcharuk S. M.УФОМ-51с


СеместрК-сть годинГрупаВикладач(і)
916УФОМ-51сдоцент Honcharuk S. M.

Опис курсу



(name of academic discipline)

______ elective discipline

(normative / selective)

__cycle of professional and practical training

(cycle of disciplines according to the curriculum)

The subject of the discipline


formation of students’ basic theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the organization and methods of audits at enterprises.


The purpose of the discipline


to teach students to correctly apply theoretical knowledge on the organization and methods of auditing individual accounting transactions in practice, generalization of audits and tasks in terms of financial reporting, special types of audits and audit services

The main tasks


mastering the theoretical foundations of the functioning of audit as an independent financial control in Ukraine; regulations governing auditing; Acquisition of practical skills in the organization, planning and implementation of audit procedures for auditing individual accounting transactions and summarizing their results.


The place of the discipline in the structural and logical scheme of master’s training


the study of the discipline is based on knowledge of accounting, business analysis, finance, management, marketing, financial accounting, management accounting, auditing.

Requirements for competencies, knowledge and skills

As a result of studying the discipline, the student must have the following competencies:


Ability to study trends in the development of auditing, to make generalizations about the assessment of the manifestation of certain phenomena that are inherent in modern auditing.
Ability to identify, pose and solve problems.
Ability to communicate in a foreign language.
Skills in the use of information and communication technologies.
Ability to conduct research at the appropriate level.
Ability to generate new ideas (creativity).
Ability to search, process and analyze information from various sources.


Ability to generate and use accounting information to make effective management decisions at all levels of enterprise management in order to increase the efficiency, effectiveness and social responsibility of the business.
Ability to apply theoretical, methodological and practical approaches to the organization of the audit.
Use international standards of quality control, audit, inspection, other assurance and related services in compliance with the requirements of professional ethics in the process of practical activities.
Ability to formulate tasks, improve methods and implement modern audit methods in accordance with the strategic objectives of the enterprise.
Ability to perform administrative and managerial functions in the field of audit.
Ability to conduct research to address current issues in the theory, methodology, organization and practice of auditing.


a) know:

– organization of activities and quality control of the audit firm and the work of auditors;

– organization of the process of audit of financial statements and its information support;

– organizational and methodological aspects of auditing financial statements and providing related services;

– methods of auditing individual accounting transactions;

– methods of external and internal audit of financial and tax reporting of enterprises;

– Features of tasks in terms of financial statements, special types of audits and audit services.


b) be able to:

– organize an audit firm, draw up its constituent documents, register it to obtain the right to provide audit services;

– plan the work of the audit firm, develop a strategy and general audit plan, audit program, job descriptions of employees of the audit firm;

– to organize normative-legal, informational, technical and other provision of work of auditors;

– enter into audit agreements;

– choose the best methods of conducting audit procedures and organize their implementation;

– compile current and final working documents of the auditor;

– analyze the information obtained during the audit, prepare reports of the auditor and the audit firm to the customer and the Audit Chamber of Ukraine;

– organize an internal audit system;

– objectively evaluate the information obtained in the process of analysis of audit evidence and facts, prepare conclusions and recommendations and submit reports on the results of the audit

Program learning outcomes


PR01. Be able to develop and improve their general cultural and professional level, independently master new methods of work and knowledge of a comprehensive vision of modern problems of economics and management.


PR03. Communicate freely in a foreign language orally and in writing when discussing research and innovation results.

PR13. Know the international standards of quality control, audit, inspection, other assurance and related services in compliance with the requirements of professional ethics.

PR14. To substantiate the choice and procedure for the application of management information technology for audit in the system of management decisions in order to optimize them.

PR15. Apply scientific research methods in the field of accounting, auditing, analysis, control and taxation and implement them in professional activities and business practice.

PR16. Carry out public business and scientific communications in order to solve communicative tasks in state and foreign languages.

PR17. Prepare and substantiate conclusions for consulting owners, management of the business entity and other users of information in the field of accounting, auditing, analysis, control, taxation.



The content of the discipline by topic


Topic number Topic name
Topic 1 Organization of activities and quality control of the audit firm and the work of auditors
Topic 2 Organization of the process of audit of financial statements and its information support
Topic 3 Audit of constituent documents, accounting policies and equity of the enterprise
Topic 4 Audit of non-current assets and investments
Topic 5 Auditor control of cash and receivables
Topic 6 Audit of stocks and unfinished construction
Topic 7 Audit control of work and its payment, long-term and short-term liabilities
Topic 8 Audit of costs and production costs, revenue generation and financial results and generalization of the results of the audit of financial statements


Department: Department of Accounting, Analysis and Control
Language of instruction: Ukrainian
Forms of organization of the educational process: lectures, practical classes
Form of final control: credit
Teachers who provide the educational process: Assoc. Goncharuk SM

Рекомендована література

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