Financial Marketing
Тип: На вибір ВУЗу
Кафедра: department of financial management
Навчальний план
Семестр | Кредити | Звітність |
6 | 4 | Залік |
Семестр | К-сть годин | Лектор | Група(и) |
6 | 32 | доцент Zavalnytska N. B. | УФФ-31с, УФФ-32с |
6 | 32 | доцент Zavalnytska N. B. | УФФ-33с, УФФ-34с |
Семестр | К-сть годин | Група | Викладач(і) |
6 | 16 | УФФ-31с | доцент Zavalnytska N. B. |
УФФ-32с | доцент Zavalnytska N. B. | ||
УФФ-33с | доцент Zavalnytska N. B. | ||
УФФ-34с | доцент Zavalnytska N. B. |
Опис курсу
The subject of the discipline “Financial Marketing” is a set of forms and methods of marketing management of the financial market, as well as the study and satisfaction of consumer needs as priority market participants.
The purpose of the discipline “Financial Marketing” – the formation of a system of knowledge in the field of marketing support for the development of the financial services market in order to provide favorable conditions for financial institutions and organizations and proper and complete satisfaction of consumer demands in financial products and services.
The objectives of the discipline “Financial Marketing” are to disclose and acquire knowledge about the nature and features of the application of financial marketing; ability to apply in practice the basic functions of financial marketing; understanding the role and place of marketing activities in the modern financial business environment and in the market economy in general; disclosure of theoretical and practical main components of the complex of financial marketing; formation in students of the theoretical and methodological base necessary for the subsequent mastering of practice of use of tools of financial marketing.
Програма навчальної дисципліни “Фінансовий маркетинг”
Робоча програма навчальної дисципліни “Фінансовий маркетинг”