Financial policy of Ukraine

Тип: На вибір ВУЗу

Кафедра: department of financial management

Навчальний план



СеместрК-сть годинЛекторГрупа(и)
432доцент Tataryn N. B.УФФ-21с, УФФ-22с, УФФ-23с


СеместрК-сть годинГрупаВикладач(і)
416УФФ-21сдоцент Tataryn N. B.
УФФ-22сдоцент Tataryn N. B.
УФФ-23сдоцент Tataryn N. B.

Опис курсу

The subject of the discipline “Financial Policy of Ukraine” is the theoretical and methodological principles of formation and implementation of financial policy at the state level and at the enterprise level in Ukraine.

The purpose of studying the discipline “Financial Policy of Ukraine” is to acquire theoretical knowledge and the formation of professional competencies for the formation and implementation of the mechanism of financial policy in Ukraine.

The tasks of studying the discipline “Financial Policy of Ukraine” are:

  • mastering the theoretical and organizational foundations of the formation and implementation of financial policy in Ukraine;
  • in-depth study of legislation governing the conduct of financial policy in Ukraine and all its components;
  • acquiring knowledge on the organization and implementation of various types of financial policy in Ukraine;
  • mastering skills in financial planning and forecasting,
  • studying the procedure for applying the instruments of monetary macroprudential fiscal investment and monetary policy in Ukraine;
  • formation of students’ systematic understanding of the relationship between the components of financial policy at the macro and micro levels;
  • acquiring knowledge on determining the tools and approaches to the formation of the country’s financial policy;
  • acquaintance with financial strategy and financial tactics in the country.


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