Information and communication technologies (051 “Economy”, 071 “Accounting and taxation”, 281″Public management and administration”)

Type: Normative

Department: department of digital economics and business analytics




SemesterAmount of hoursLecturerGroup(s)
148Vaskiv O. M.УФЕ-11с, УФО-11с, УФП-11с, УФП-12с
114Vaskiv O. M.УФП-11с

Laboratory works

SemesterAmount of hoursGroupTeacher(s)
148УФЕ-11сVaskiv O. M., Associate Professor Zadorozhna A. V.
УФО-11сAssociate Professor Borshchuk  I. V.
УФП-11сVaskiv O. M., Vaskiv O. M.
УФП-12сAssociate Professor Borshchuk  I. V., Vaskiv O. M.
114УФП-11сVaskiv O. M.

Course description

The current state of the economy, the dynamism of reforms and the rhythm of social life require students to form in their portfolio of practical skills not so much specific “book” knowledge, but also the ability to analyze, comparing situations with the existing body of knowledge and form tasks for mastering new subjects, tools and basic knowledge in order to solve current problems. This is especially relevant for specialists in the economic profile.

The most dynamic phenomenon of the modern world is the formation of the information space, the inclusion of the knowledge of each individual person in this new, integrated way of acquiring, processing and preserving humanity’s knowledge about the surrounding world. That is why future specialists need to pay considerable attention to their own informational education.

The foundation of students’ information literacy is laid by the subject “Information and Communication Technologies”.

The subject of the academic discipline

The subject of the discipline “Information and communication technologies” is a system of means of automating the processing and use of information.

The purpose of the educational discipline

Studying the theoretical foundations and principles of building modern and promising computing machines, the basics of programming, applied software systems , the ability to navigate computer networks, basic training of specialists for the effective use of information and communication technologies in the process of solving applied problems.

Main tasks

Study of the theoretical foundations of informatics and the characteristics of computer technology, architecture, technological support of computer systems, algorithmization and programming, economic information processing systems, the use of network technologies during the study of socio-economic systems and solving problems of a professional direction.

The place of the educational discipline in the structural and logical scheme for the specialty 051 “Economics”

The discipline “Information and communication technologies” is interconnected with such disciplines as “Introduction to the profession”.

The place of the educational discipline in the structural and logical scheme for the specialty 071 “Accounting and taxation”

The discipline “Information and communication technologies” is interconnected with such disciplines as “Introduction to the profession”.

The place of the educational discipline in the structural and logical scheme by specialty

281 “Public management and administration”

The discipline “Information and communication technologies” is interconnected with such disciplines as “Introduction to the profession”.

Requirements for knowledge and skills

When studying the discipline “Information and Communication Technologies”, students of higher education acquire the following competences (ability) :

ZK2 – The ability to preserve moral, cultural, scientific values and multiply the achievements of society based on understanding the history and patterns of development of the subject area, its place in the general system of knowledge about nature and society and in the development of society, technology and technology, use different types and forms of motor activity for active recreation and leading a healthy lifestyle .

ZK3 – Ability to abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis.

ZK4 − Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations ­.

ZK7 – Skills of using information and communication technologies

ZK8 − Ability to search, process and analyze information ­from various sources.

SK2 − Ability to carry out professional activities in compliance ­with current regulatory and legal acts.

SK7 − Ability to apply computer technologies and data processing software to solve economic ­problems, analyze information and prepare analytical reports.

SK10 – Ability to use modern sources of economic ­, social, management, accounting information for drafting official documents and analytical reports.

Program learning outcomes:

PR10 – Conduct an analysis of the functioning and development of economic entities, determine functional areas, calculate relevant indicators that characterize the effectiveness of their activities

PR12 – Apply the acquired theoretical knowledge to solve ­practical tasks and meaningfully interpret the obtained results.

PR13 − I identify sources and understand the methodology of determining and methods of obtaining socio-economic data, collect and analyze the necessary information, calculate economic and social indicators

PR17 – Perform an interdisciplinary analysis of socio-economic phenomena and problems in one or more professional areas, taking into account risks and possible socio-economic consequences

PR19 – Use information and communication technologies ­to solve social and economic problems, prepare and present analytical reports.

PR23 − To show the skills of independent work, to demonstrate critical, creative, self-critical thinking .

The study of an academic discipline involves the achievement of such a ­qualification level of student training, for which he must:

a) to know

  • state and prospects of information and communication development technologists and _
  • basics of computerization of accounting and analytical works;
  • technologies text document processing ;
  • technology preparation electronic tables and conducting calculations ;
  • technology using systems creation presentations ;
  • technologies for organizing and automating work with any data of a complex structure in various software environments;
  • technologies for analyzing and visualizing data using both software and cloud technologies.

b) to be able to

  • collect, formalize, systematize, structure, process data to solve applied problems in the professional sphere;
  • select and use office application tools for data analysis;
  • automate the work process using information and communication technologies and networks, office and hypertext technologies;
  • work in a team to jointly solve applied problems by means of information and communication technologies;
  • skills in using various information and communication technologies for professional communication;
  • freely use information and communication technologies, both in the educational process and in professional activities;
  • use MS Office programs and Office 365 services to solve financial and economic problems and effectively organize work;
  • use Internet services and services.

Recommended Literature


  1. Bazhenov VA etc. Informatics. Computer Engineering. Computer Technology. Textbook. – К .: Каравела, 2003.
  2. Vashkevich E. PowerPoint 2007. Effective computer presentations. – СПб .: Питер, 2008. – 240 с.
  3. Vedeneeva E. Functions and formulas of Excel 2007. – SPb .: Peter, 2008. – 384 p.
  4. Volkov V. Understandable self-teacher Excel 2010. – SPb .: Peter, 2010. – 252 p.
  5. Gladkiy A., Chirtik A. Excel 2007. Tricks and effects. – СПб .: Питер, 2007. – 368 с.
  6. Grigorkiv VS etc. Economic Informatics: Textbook. Manual – Chernivtsi: Books-XXI, 2008.
  7. Delyavsky MV, Zhmurkevich AE, Odrekhivsky MV, Chapovska RB Fundamentals of algorithmization and programming: VBA environment: Textbook. manual – Chernivtsi: Books-XXI, 2006.
  8. Dontsov D.Word 2007. Easy start. – СПб .: Питер, 2007.
  9. Karavanova TP Methods of constructing algorithms and their analysis. Computational algorithms (tutorial). – К: Генеза, 2009. – 331 с.
  10. Klimenko OF, Golovko NR, Sharapov OD Informatics and computer technology: Teaching method. manual. – К.: КНЕУ, 2002.
  11. Cormen Thomas H. Algorithms. Introductory course. – M: Williams, 2014. – 208 p.
  12. Kultin N. Word 2007. The most necessary. – СПб .: БХВ-Петербург, 2007. – 176 с.
  13. Kucheryava TO etc. Informatics and computer technology: activating learning: Workshop for individuals. Works – K .: KNEU, 2006.
  14. Levchenko OM Informatics. Computer Engineering. Computer Technology: A Textbook. 2nd type. – К .: Каравела, 2007. – 640 с.
  15. Levchenko OM, Zavadsky IO, Prokopenko NS. Fundamentals of the Internet: Textbook. – 2nd type. – К .: BHV, 2009. – 288 с.
  16. Lukyanova VV Computer data analysis – Kyiv, Academy Publishing Center, 2003.
  17. Makarova MV, Karnaukhova GV, Zapara SV Informatics and Computer Engineering: Textbook – Sumy: University. book, 2003.
  18. Murray Catherine. New opportunities Office 2007. – Ecom, 2007. 19. Orlovskaya AB, Proshak GV Windows operating system. – Lviv: LDFA, 2004.
  19. Romanova Yu.D., Lesnichaya IG, Shestakov VI Informatics and information technologies. – М: Эксмо, 2008. – 592 с. 21. SergeevA. P.Microsoft Office 2007. – M: Williams, 2007.



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