Participation of the associate professor of the department of accounting, analysis and control in an international educational event
Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Control Lyudmila Petryshyn received a certificate of participation in the online training, which was held (July 6-7) within the framework of the Erasmus+ project (PAGOSTE) on the topic: “DIGITALIZATION AND DUAL VOCATIONAL EDUCATION IN GERMAN-SPEAKING COUNTRIES: PROBLEM ISSUES AND THEIR WAYS SOLUTION”.
The event was organized by the University of Konstanz (Germany) and the Vienna University of Economics and Business. The training was conducted online on the ZOOM platform. The target audience was represented by teachers and managers of institutions of higher, professional higher education and professional and technical education.
We thank the organizers of the international educational event for the invitation and hope for further cooperation in supporting educational and academic mobility, projects and partnerships!