Web Design and Web Development

Type: Normative

Department: department of digital economics and business analytics




SemesterAmount of hoursLecturerGroup(s)
648Associate Professor Deputat B. Y.УФЕ-31с

Laboratory works

SemesterAmount of hoursGroupTeacher(s)
648УФЕ-31сAssociate Professor Deputat B. Y., Yarema O. R.

Course description

The subject of the discipline “Web-design and web-programming” are web technologies and principles of web design, as well as methods of their use in the development of sites for various purposes.

The purpose of the discipline is to acquire the necessary knowledge of the basics of web technologies and web design, as well as the formation of solid practical skills for the development of quality sites. Formation of knowledge and skills needed to solve problems using a personal computer and modern software.

The objectives of the discipline “Web-design and web programming” are: obtaining theoretical knowledge of the basics of web technologies, web design and web programming; gaining practical skills in website development.

Requirements for knowledge and skills
The study of the discipline involves the achievement of such a qualification level of student training, for which he must:

a) know:

  • rules for constructing HTML documents, basic properties of cascading style sheets;
  • basic elements of the browser object model;
  • rules of construction and basic elements of JavaScript language;
  • construction rules and basic elements of server-side scripts;
  • rules of interaction of server scripts with DB servers and web services;

b) be able to:

  • create a site using HTML, CSS and JavaScript;
  • work with HTTP protocols;
  • use the means of cascading style sheets to design the page;
  • use basic browser objects and basic predefined JavaScript objects;
  • write a simple event handling script;
  • create a server script and ensure its interaction with the database and web services.

Recommended Literature


  1. Цеслів О.В. WEB-програмування : навч. посібнник / О.В. Цеслів; М-во освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України, Нац. техн. ун-т України “Київ, політехн. ін-т”. – Київ : НТУУ “КПІ”, 2011. – 296, с. .
  2. Duckett, J. (2018). HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites. John Wiley & Sons 490 p.
  3. Duckett, J. (2021). JavaScript and JQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development. John Wiley & Sons 640 p.
  4. Freeman, A., & Robson, E. (2018). Head First HTML and CSS: A Learner’s Guide to Creating Standards-Based Web Pages, 2nd Edition. O’Reilly Media 700 p.
  5. Freeman, E., & Robson, E. (2020). Head First JavaScript Programming: A Brain-Friendly Guide. O’Reilly Media 600 p.
  6. Gauchat, J. (2021). Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS: Develop future-proof responsive websites using the latest HTML5 and CSS techniques, 3rd Edition. Packt Publishing 350 p.
  7. McFarland, D. (2018). JavaScript & jQuery: The Missing Manual. O’Reilly Media 720 p.
  8. O’Connor, E. (2020). Flask Web Development: Developing Web Applications with Python. O’Reilly Media 450 p.
  9. Robbins, E., & Nelson, B. (2020). Learning React: A Hands-On Guide to Building Web Applications Using React and Redux, 2nd Edition. Addison-Wesley Professional 550 p.
  10. Souza, M. (2019). Flask Framework Cookbook: Over 80 proven recipes and techniques for web developers to create highly functional and responsive web applications using Flask 1.0 and beyond, 2nd Edition. Packt Publishing 400 p.
  11. Vazquez, R., & Alvarez, M. (2020). Web Development with Django. Packt Publishing 300 p.


  1. Куленко М.Я. Основи графічного дизайну : підручник для студентів вищих навч. закладів / Михайло Куленко; МОНУ; Київський нац. ун-т будівництва і архітектури. – 2-ге вид., виправл. та доп. – Київ : Кондор, 2007. – 492с.
  2. Шмідт Я. Нова мережа: ознаки, практики і наслідки веб 2.0 = Das Neue Nets Markmale, Praktiken und Folgen des Web 0 : посібник для вузів /Ян Шмідт ; [пер. з нім. В. Климченко ; за заг. ред. В. Іванова]. – Київ : Академія Української Преси, Центр Вільної Преси, 2013.-283
  3. Duckett, J. (2014). JavaScript and JQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development. John Wiley & Sons. 520 p
  4. Griggs, J. (2019). Learning Node.js Development: Learn the fundamentals of Node.js, and deploy and test Node.js applications on the web. Packt Publishing 420 p.
  5. Horton, W. (2020). Beginning PHP and MySQL: From Novice to Professional. Apress 800 p.
  6. Pilgrim, M. (2021). Dive into Python 3. Apress 900 p.
  7. Welling, L., & Thomson, L. (2016). PHP and MySQL Web Development. Addison-Wesley Professional 680 p. 


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