Technology of management interaction communication
Тип: Нормативний
Кафедра: department of public administration and business management
Опис курсу
The purpose of the initial discipline: to give a scientifically sound view of the basics of communication theory and components of the communicative process, to develop the ability to analyze the basic principles of communicative activity.
The main tasks of the discipline:
– to form the ability to analyze and evaluate state communication policy in different historical periods, to practically apply communication models and their technological potential, to establish the relationship between political processes in society and state-building, to master methods of comparative analysis of different types of communication activities;
– develop skills to analyze the role of information power in the democratization of society and use language as a code in order to find ways to improve communication;
– to acquaint with practical methods of organization of effective public broadcasting and possibilities of their application;
– to educate the need to improve their own monologue and dialogic speech;
– to improve basic knowledge of the Ukrainian business language as a component of communicative activity in public administration.
Requirements for knowledge and skills:
- a) know:
– terminological base of communications and business language in management;
– communicative models and their technological potential
– methods of comparative analysis of different types of communicative activities;
– basic principles of interrelation of political and communicative processes of the present;
– structure, patterns and phenomena of language communication;
– paradigm of roles / positions of communicators as participants in the communicative process;
– communication strategies and tactics and means of their implementation in public administration;
– means of verbal and nonverbal influence on the audience;
– basic language norms in the texts of official business style in public administration
- b) be able to:
– use modern achievements in the field of public administration;
– analyze the role of the media in the activities of government;
– apply the basic technologies of communication with the media to participate in the process of covering the activities of public authorities;
– to find optimal models of language communication in accordance with communicative intentions;
– use expressive language in speeches of various kinds;
– apply methods of verbal and extralinguistic influence on the audience;
– identify communicative failures, analyze their causes in order to find ways to overcome;
– adhere to language norms when compiling documents, avoid ambiguity of statements in
– texts of management decisions, using accurate verbal designations of the subject of thought.
Рекомендована література
Basic literature
- Methodological recommendations for the preparation of masters in the specialty: 281 “Public management and administration” from the course “Public communication and business language in public administration”/ comp. Vasynyova N. S. Kravchenko O. I.; Govt. closing “Luhan. national Taras Shevchenko University”. Starobilsk: Publishing House “Taras Shevchenko LNU”, 2020. – 79 p.
- Burmaka T. M. Communicative management: a summary of lectures (for undergraduate students of all forms of study in the specialty 073 – Management) / T. M. Burmaka, K. O. Velikikh; Kharkiv. national city university farm named after O. M. Beketova. – Kharkiv: XNUMX named after O. M. Beketova, 2019. – 69 p.
- Public communication and business language in public administration: method. rec. for the training of specialists for the degree of higher education “Master” / comp. : Shmagun A.V. – K.: UkrSICH, 2019. – 28 p.
- Communications in public administration: lecture notes / [O. V. Shebanina, V. P. Klochan, S. I. Tyshchenko, etc.]. – Mykolaiv: MNAU, 2018. – 200 p. – Access mode: http://
- Communications in public administration: aspects of organizational culture and business communication: training. manual / edited by: V. A. Hoshovska and others. – Kyiv: K.I.S., 2016. – 130 p. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: › 2016/09 › Communication_Handbook_2016_web
- Communications in state authorities: manual. – K.: 2016. – 95 p. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
- Practical guide for employees of communication structures in government bodies [Electronic resource] / edited by Z. Kazanzhi. – Kyiv, 2016. – 112 p. – Access mode:
- Dreshpak V. M. Communications in public administration: academic. manual / V. M. Dreshpak. – D.: DRIDU NADU, 2015. – 168 p. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: › book011
- Information and communication democracy: Monograph / V.V. Lisnychiy, O.V. Radchenko, O.E. Bukhtaty and others. – K.: SVS Panasenko Publisher, 2015. – 400 p.