Reporting of enterprises according to European standards

Тип: На вибір студента

Кафедра: department of accounting, analysis and control

Навчальний план



СеместрК-сть годинЛекторГрупа(и)
1116доцент Petryshyn  . P.УФОМ-62С


СеместрК-сть годинГрупаВикладач(і)
118УФОМ-62Сдоцент Petryshyn  . P.

Опис курсу


(name of the discipline

selective discipline

(normative / selective)

cycle of professional and practical training

(cycle of disciplines according to the curriculum)


The subject of the discipline

The subject of the discipline is the method of preparation of the company’s reporting according to the EU directives, non-financial, special and integrated reporting of the company in modern conditions.


The purpose of the discipline

The purpose of studying the discipline is for the applicant to obtain a master’s degree in specialty 071 “Accounting and Taxation” theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and abilities in filling out the company’s reporting under Directive 2013/34 / EU, non-financial, special, integrated reporting.


The main tasks of the discipline

The main tasks of the discipline “Reporting of enterprises according to European standards”:

study of the issues of harmonization of domestic approaches in the field of accounting, auditing, taxation with European standards in order to successfully implement Ukraine’s plans for the European Association;
acquisition of skills to analyze the compliance of Ukrainian legislation with the requirements of relevant EU Directives and best practices of European countries;
study of methods and techniques of financial and non-financial reporting of companies in modern conditions on the basis of EU standards;
combination of theoretical knowledge with practical skills and abilities to fill in the forms of financial statements at Ukrainian enterprises that comply with EU standards;
training of professionals in accounting, auditing, taxation for working conditions in the European Union.

Requirements for competencies, knowledge and skills

As a result of studying the discipline “Reporting of enterprises according to European standards” in the applicants OS “Master” should be formed the following competencies and achieved program learning outcomes:


LC01 Ability to identify, pose and solve problems.
LC06 Ability to search, process and analyze information from various sources.
LC11 Ability to communicate in a foreign language
CL04 Ability to conduct research at the appropriate level
CL07 Ability to work in an international context
CL09 Appreciation and respect for diversity and multiculturalism.
LC06 Ability to search, process and analyze information from various sources.
Skills in the use of information and communication technologies.

SK01 Ability to generate and use accounting information to make effective management decisions at all levels of enterprise management in order to increase the efficiency, effectiveness and social responsibility of the business.
SK02 Ability to organize the accounting process and regulate the activities of its executors in accordance with the requirements of enterprise management.
SK04 Ability to prepare financial statements in accordance with international standards, to correctly interpret, disclose and use relevant information to make effective management decisions.
SK05 Ability to apply methods and techniques of analytical support of modern management systems, taking into account the development strategy of the enterprise in conditions of uncertainty, risk and / or asymmetry of information.
SC06 Use international standards of quality control, audit, inspection, other assurance and related services in compliance with the requirements of professional ethics in the process of practical activities.

Program learning outcomes:

PR01 Be able to develop and improve their general cultural and professional level, independently master new methods of work and knowledge of a comprehensive vision of modern problems of economics and management.
PP02 Know the theory, methodology and practice of forming accounting information at the stages of the accounting process and control for current and potential management needs of business entities, taking into account professional judgment.
PR05To own innovative technologies, justify the choice and explain the application of new methods of preparation and provision of accounting information for the needs of business management.
PR06 To determine the information needs of users of accounting information in the management of the enterprise, to provide advice to management personnel of the entity on accounting information.
PR07 Develop internal standards and forms of management and other reporting of business entities.
PR09 Generate financial statements in accordance with national and international standards for businesses at the corporate level, disclose and use relevant information for management decisions.
SO10 Collect, evaluate and analyze financial and non-financial data to generate relevant information for management decisions.

PR17 Prepare and substantiate conclusions for consulting owners, management of the business entity and other users of information in the field of accounting, auditing, analysis, control, taxation.
The study of the discipline “Reporting of enterprises according to European standards” involves the achievement of such a qualification level of professional training, for which he must:

a) know:

the meaning, content and directions of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union on economic integration;
names and dates of EU Directives governing the methods of accounting, taxation, financial reporting; composition of the company’s reporting under EU Directive 2013/34 / EU;
principles of construction, balance sheet structure and profit and loss statement of the company in accordance with Directive 2013/34 / EU,
methods of transformation of domestic forms of balance sheet and report on financial results to the norms of European standards;
composition of notes to the financial statements of EU companies;
financial statements of companies in individual EU countries,
non-financial reporting of companies of public interest;
special reporting of business entities in the context of globalization;
legal requirements for the introduction of integrated reporting for EU and Ukrainian companies;
essence and characteristics of integrated reporting.
b) be able to:

Describe the forms of the balance sheet and report on financial results in accordance with European standards;
distinguish the forms of company balance sheets by horizontal and vertical format;
compile a table of transformation of the domestic balance sheet of the statement of financial performance to Euro standards;
formulate concepts and basic principles for building integrated, special and non-financial reports of the company

The content of the discipline by topic


Topic 1. Fundamentals of financial reporting of the company according to EU directives.
Topic 2. The company’s balance sheet according to the norms of Directive 2013/34 / EU.
Topic 3. Report on the company’s profits and losses under Directive 2013/34 / EU and the transformation of the domestic form to European standards.
Topic 4 Financial statements of companies in individual EU countries.
Topic 5. Non-financial reporting of companies.
Topic 6. Special reporting of companies.
Topic 7. Integrated reporting of companies.

Рекомендована література

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