Organization of management activities (training course)

Type: Normative

Department: department of public administration and business management

Course description


The purpose of the discipline: the formation of students’ ideas about the theoretical foundations and practical aspects of the organization of management activities in public authorities and business structures.

The main tasks of the discipline:

– to gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills on the conceptual and categorical apparatus of management, management science and general patterns of formation, operation and development of management systems;

– analysis of the content and processes of implementation of management functions;

– development and consolidation of skills in the use of effective techniques, methods and tools in the organization of management activities.

Requirements for knowledge and skills:

Under the conditions of successful fulfillment of the requirements for mastering science, the student will acquire the following competencies:

Integral competence:

Ability to solve complex specialized tasks and practical problems in the field of public administration and administration or in the learning process, which involves the use of theories and scientific methods and is characterized by complexity and uncertainty of conditions.

General competencies:

– ability to learn and master modern knowledge.

– ability to realize their rights and responsibilities as a member of society, to realize the values ​​of civil (free democratic) society and the need for its sustainable development, the rule of law, human and civil rights and freedoms in Ukraine.

– ability to be critical and self-critical.

– ability to adapt and act in a new situation.

– ability to plan and manage time.

– ability to identify, pose and solve problems.

– ability to search, process and analyze information from various sources.

Professional competencies:

– Ability to ensure the appropriate level of development and use of management products, services or processes.

– Ability to develop tactical and operational management plans.

– Ability to prepare draft management decisions and implement them.

– Ability to implement innovative technologies.

– Ability to synthesize management decisions in the field of public administration and business administration in terms of complete and incomplete information.

– Ability to use patterns, principles, methods of public administration and business administration to determine effective directions for their implementation.

– Ability to develop and implement measures to implement optimal forms and methods of business structures.

Professional competence acquired by students after studying the discipline:

– Understand and use technologies for making, making and implementing management decisions.

Requirements for knowledge and skills:

  1. a) know:

– conceptual and categorical apparatus of management science;

– levels of management in the organization;

– features of management decisions;

– the main stages of the organization of management activities;

– competencies of the manager;

– the essence and content of the communication process;

– the essence of motivation, procedural and substantive theories of motivation.

– management control tools, etc.

  1. b) be able to:

– determine the stages of rational decision-making and take into account the factors of influence in solving organizational problems;

– apply analytical, statistical, theoretical and game methods of decision making;

– apply effective management actions in the organization;

– analyze and evaluate the external environment in the organization

– have methods of management control of worker behavior;

– use theories and concepts of leadership in the implementation of managerial influence;

– evaluate organizational effectiveness;

– determine the effectiveness and efficiency of management.

Recommended Literature

Basic literature

  1. Fundamentals of management: Outline of lectures [Electronic resource]: teaching. manual for students of the specialty 073 “Management” of the educational and professional program “Management and business administration” / KPI named after Igor Sikorskyi; compilers: T.V. Lazorenko, S.O. Perminova.– Electronic text data. Kyiv: KPI named after Igor Sikorsky. 2021. – 166 p. – URL
  2. Leadership and team in public administration: lecture notes / compiled by: K. V. Taraniuk, Y. V. Kobushko. – Sumy: Sumy State University, 2020. – 175 p. –URL:;jsessionid=509BF71459C0980E1CB42539C49C8176
  3. Adizes I. Team leadership. How to get along with any manager. – K.: Nash format, 2019, – 304 p.
  4. Psychology of management: a study guide / R. A. Kalenichenko, O. G. Lyovkina, G. Yu. Mustafaev, etc. ; in general ed. R. A. Kalenichenko, O. G. Lyovkina. – Irpin: State Fiscal Service University of Ukraine, 2019. – 256 p. – URL:
  5. Personnel management in public authorities: training. manual / S. M. Seryogin, E. I. Borodin, K. V. Komarova, N. A. Lipovska, T. M. Tarasenko. – Dnipro. : DRIDU NADU, 2019. – 200 p.
  6. Psychology of management in the organization: study guide / M. D. Pryshchak, O. Y. Lesko. – [2nd ed., revision. and additional]. – Vinnytsia, 2016. – 150 p. – URL:
  7. L. O. Pashko Self-management of the local self-government leader (distance course): educational and methodological materials / General editor. L. O. Pashko. – K., 2017 – 154 p. – URL:
  8. Selyutin V. M. Self-management [Electronic resource]: teaching. manual / V. M. Selyutin. – Electron. data. – Kh.: KhDUHT, 2017. – Access mode: %bc%d0%b5%d0%bd%d0%b5%d0%b4%d0%b6%d0%bc%d0%b5%d0%bd%d1%82.pdf
  9. Nestulya O.O., Nestulya S.I., Kononets N.V. Fundamentals of leadership: an electronic manual for independent work of students. – Poltava: PUET, 2018. – 241 p. – URL:
  10. Romanova L.V. Management of entrepreneurial activity: Study guide. – K.: Center of educational literature. 2016. P. 240.
  11. Theory and practice of building organizational management systems: Training manual / O.P. Vashchenko. – Kyiv: DUT, 2017. – 112 p. – URL:
  12. Theory and practice of leader formation: training manual / O.G. Romanovskyi, T.V. Gura, A.E. Knysh, V.V. Bondarenko – Kharkiv, 2017 – 100 p. – URL:
  13. Management, financial and marketing activities of enterprises in conditions of an unstable economy: monograph/ by general ed. K. F. Kovalchuk – Dnipropetrovsk: Porogy, 2016. – 516 p.
  14. Shkilnyak M. M., Ovsyanyuk-Berdadina O. F., Krysko Zh. L., Demkiv I. O. Management: Training manual. – Ternopil: Krok, 2017 – 252 p. – URL: BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%82%20%D0%A8%D0%BA%D1%96%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D1%8F%D0%BA.pdf