Office management in business

Type: For the student's choice

Department: department of accounting, analysis and control




SemesterAmount of hoursLecturerGroup(s)
516Associate Professor Petryshyn  . P.


SemesterAmount of hoursGroupTeacher(s)
516Associate Professor Petryshyn  . P.

Course description

World society does not stand still, but is dynamically developing. Radical changes are taking place in the conditions of integration into the world and European space, where a modern office stands out among organizations and institutions as an indicator of the successful activity of any organization. Today, new technologies and development strategies apply to all spheres of life and human activity without exception.

Nowadays, the understanding of the office as a complex concept that unites many factors is gaining more and more popularity, on the one hand, the location, premises, organizational and technical support, infrastructure, on the other – the team, the availability of professional personnel, psychological and emotional stability, the availability of a recruitment system and opportunities to improve the professional level of employees. This is fully justified, since Ukraine adopts the best experience of developed countries and is under the influence of the world’s globalization processes in various aspects of social life – cultural, educational, informational, etc.


The subject of the academic discipline

The subject of study of the academic discipline is the methods and techniques of ensuring the effective work of a modern office in today’s conditions.



The purpose of the educational discipline

The purpose of the study of the academic discipline is the formation of a systematized complex of knowledge about modern office management methods, principles and approaches to the effective organization of modern office work, the main areas of activity of an office manager, documentation support of office management, techniques and means of working with documents, i.e. mastering students with the theory and practice of office management for further use of the acquired knowledge and skills in the process of professional activity.


Main tasks

The main tasks of the “Office Management in Business” discipline are:

familiarization with the basics of organizing a modern office,
studying the general provisions, principles and methods of organizing the work of an office manager,
mastering the methods of organizing corporate events,
methods of organizing reception of business partners,
methods of organizing and conducting presentations,
formation of practical skills on issues of interaction of the office manager with office employees.

The place of the academic discipline in the structural and logical scheme of bachelor’s training

The educational discipline “Office management in business” is an optional discipline of professional and practical training of bachelors and is related to the following educational disciplines: “Accounting (general theory), “Legal documentation”, “Economic analysis”, “Fundamentals of economic control”, “Management” and others.


Requirements for competences, knowledge and skills

The study of the academic discipline “Office management in business” involves the achievement of such a qualification level of student training, for which he must:

a) know:

the role of the manager in the office;
methods of ensuring efficient office work,
types of offices and principles of their provision;
requirements of office ergonomics and occupational health and safety of office employees;
business communication techniques;
job duties and main areas of activity of the office manager;
requirements for communication and information activities of the office;
functions and tasks of the main functional services of the office;

b) be able to:

to distinguish modern types of offices, their specificity and purpose;
understand the role and meaning of the office in modern conditions;
plan the workplace;
organize daily office activities;
apply conflict-free communication skills;
organize meetings and presentations;
rationally plan time;
work with information and documents;
use information technologies in professional activities;
use acquired knowledge in practical management activities.
to have an idea of the diversity and complexity of relations between office employees
and prospects for the development of the office.

As a result of studying the course, students of higher education should develop the following competencies:

the ability to organize one’s work and the work of subordinates, to cooperate in a team;
ability to manage conflicts and stressful situations;
ability to apply knowledge in practical situations and solve situational tasks;
knowledge and understanding of the subject area and understanding of professional activity;
the ability to define and describe the characteristics of the organization;
the ability to plan the activities of the organization and manage time;
the ability to work in a team and establish interpersonal interaction when solving professional tasks.

As a result of studying the course, students of higher education should obtain the following learning outcomes:

demonstrate skills in identifying problems and justifying management decisions;
demonstrate knowledge of the theories of modern concepts of leadership;
describe the content of functional spheres of activity of organizations;
to reveal organizational design skills;
apply management methods to ensure the effectiveness of the organization’s activities;
demonstrate interaction, leadership, teamwork skills;
carry out research individually and/or in a group under the guidance of a leader;
distinguish types and types of offices;
plan working areas in the office;
organize office activities;
conduct meetings and presentations;
apply the most effective styles of behavior in a conflict situation;
rational use of time;
manage the flow of visitors;
use technical management tools;
draw up and draw up documents: organizational and administrative, reference and informational, personnel, economic and foreign economic activity;
form document flows and organize the procedure for their passage and execution;
use computer programs for automating office management;
have a communication strategy.

Mastery of an academic discipline should ensure the necessary level of skill development:


Name of the level of skill formation Content of the criterion of the level of skill formation
1. Reproductive The ability to reproduce the knowledge provided by this program
2. Algorithmic Ability to use knowledge in practical activities when solving typical situations
3. Creative Carry out a heuristic search and use knowledge to solve non-standard tasks and problem situations
The work program consists of 3 credits.

Form of control – current, PMK, credit.



Topic 1. Office management in the modern management system.
Topic 2. Organization of a modern and safe office as a guarantee of successful business.
Topic 3. Office resources and technologies.
Topic 4. Communications in the office and their management.
Topic 5. Organization of the functioning of case management.
Topic 6. Documenting the management activities of the enterprise.
Topic 7. Professional competencies of the office manager in managerial activities.
Topic 8. Corporate ethics and intra-office relations of office employees.


Recommended Literature

  1. Абрамова І. О. Антикризовий менеджмент персоналу в сучасних реаліях розвитку бізнесу. Modern Economics. 2020. № 24(2020). С. 6–11. URL:
  2. Авраменко О. О., Яковенко Л. В., Шийка В. Я. Ділове спілкування : навч. посібник. Івано-Франківськ : «Лілея», 2015. 160 с.
  3. Михаліцька Н. Я., Верескля М. Р., Михаліцький В. С. Адміністративний менеджмент : навч. посібник. Львів : ЛьвДУВС, 2019. 320 с.
  4. Амеліна С. М., Кубіцький С. О. Корпоративна культура у системі управління персоналом. International Scientific Journal «Іnternauka». Series: «Economic Sciences». 2020. December 17–18th. Р. 59–72. URL: 10.25313/2520-2294-2020-7
  5. Асатуллоєва О. Б., Оніпко Т. В. Професійні та психологічні особливості роботи офіс-менеджера. Збірник наукових статей магістрів спеціальностей «Документознавство та інформаційна діяльність», «Готельноресторанна справа», «Курортна справа», «Технології в ресторанному господарстві» ПУЕТ. Полтава : ПУЕТ, 2017. С. 9–15. URL: ttp://dspace.puet.
  6. Барбара Н. В. Етика ділового спілкування : конспект лекцій. Суми : Сумський державний університет, 2013. 83 с.
  7. Барабанов І. В., Андрєєва Т. Є., Гетьман О. О. Сучасний конфлікт-менеджмент : монографія. Х. : ФОП Панов А. М., 2019. 204 с.
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  9. Верескля М. Р., Леськів Г. З. Безпека життєдіяльності та охорона праці : навч. посібник. Львів : ЛьДУВС, 2018. 264 с.
  10. Березуцький В. В. Ризик орієнтований підхід в охороні праці. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2019. 108 с.
  11. Березуцький В. В., Адаменко М. І. Небезпечні виробничі ризики та надійність : навч. посібник. Х. : ФОП Панов А.М., 2016. 385 с.
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Internet- сайти

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