Legal documentation
Тип: На вибір студента
Кафедра: department of accounting, analysis and control
Навчальний план
Семестр | Кредити | Звітність |
5 | 4 | Залік |
Семестр | К-сть годин | Лектор | Група(и) |
5 | 32 | доцент Petryshyn . P. | УФО-31с |
Семестр | К-сть годин | Група | Викладач(і) |
5 | 16 | УФО-31с | доцент Petryshyn . P. |
Опис курсу
“Legal documentation”
(name of academic discipline)
selective discipline
(normative / selective)
cycle of professional and practical training
(cycle of disciplines according to the curriculum)
The subject of the discipline
Subject of the discipline: the system of legal norms laid down in regulations on the organization of documentation, the procedure for transactions with legal documents and management documents, document requirements, rationalization and efficiency of office work, as well as theoretical and methodological developments of scientists in the field of legal documentation .
The purpose of the discipline
The purpose of the discipline: is to acquire a bachelor’s degree in 071 “Accounting and Taxation” theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of legal documentation, forming a general idea of the modern system of legal documentation, studying legal documents as a complex information system , preparation for independent work with legal documents; providing information on existing classifications of documents, features of the organization of work with documents in the field of accounting, analysis and financial investigations; study of the order of document circulation of legal documents, control over their execution, etc .; development of skills and abilities to write and design various management documents.
The main tasks of the discipline
The main tasks of the discipline “Legal Documentation”:
mastering the knowledge necessary for a theoretical understanding of legal documentation;
acquaintance with the system of legal documents;
acquaintance with the classification characteristics of legal documents;
study of features of the legal document: official-business style, legal terms, structure;
developing the skills of drafting legal documents and the correct placement of their details;
acquaintance with the structure of the text of the legal document features that characterize the structure of the document;
mastering the order of document circulation.
Requirements for competencies, knowledge and skills
As a result of studying the discipline in applicants for higher education degree “bachelor” specialty 071 “Accounting and Taxation” should be formed the following competencies and achieve program learning outcomes:
ЗК01. Ability to learn and master modern knowledge.
ЗК02. Ability to abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis.
ЗК03. Ability to work in a team.
ЗК04. Ability to work autonomously.
ЗК07. The ability to be critical and self-critical.
ЗК08. Knowledge and understanding of the subject area and understanding of professional activity.
ЗК09. Ability to communicate in the state language both orally and in writing.
ЗК11. Skills in using modern information systems and communication technologies.
SK03. Ability to display information about business transactions of business entities in financial and management accounting, their systematization, generalization in reporting and interpretation to meet the information needs of decision makers.
SK04. Apply knowledge of law and tax law in the practice of business entities.
SK11. Demonstrate an understanding of the requirements for professional activity, due to the need to ensure sustainable development of Ukraine, its strengthening as a democratic, social, legal state.
As a result of studying the discipline, applicants for higher education degree “bachelor” specialty 071 “Accounting and Taxation” should have the following program learning outcomes:
PR01. Know and understand the economic categories, laws, causal and functional relationships that exist between processes and phenomena at different levels of economic systems.
PR02. Understand the place and importance of accounting, analytical, control, tax and statistical systems in the information support of users of accounting and analytical information in solving problems in the field of social and economic responsibility of enterprises.
PR08. Understand the organizational and economic mechanism of enterprise management and evaluate the effectiveness of decision-making using accounting and analytical information.
PR09. Identify and assess the risks of economic activity of enterprises.
PR13. Understand the peculiarities of the functioning of enterprises in modern economic conditions and demonstrate an understanding of their market positioning.
PR16. Possess and apply knowledge of state and foreign languages for the formation of business papers and communication in professional activities.
PR20. Perform professional functions taking into account the requirements of social responsibility, labor discipline, be able to plan and manage time.
PR21. Understand the requirements for activities in the specialty, due to the need to ensure sustainable development of Ukraine, its strengthening as a democratic, social,
rule of law.
PR22. Understand and realize their rights and responsibilities as a member of society, to realize the values of a free democratic society, the rule of law, human and civil rights and freedoms in Ukraine.
PR23. Preserve and increase the achievements and values of society based on understanding the place of the subject area in the general system of knowledge, use different types and forms of physical activity to lead a healthy lifestyle
The study of the discipline “Legal Documentation” involves the achievement of such a qualification level of training, for which he must
– main concepts and terms of legal documentation;
– the essence of the concept of “legal document”, its features, functions;
– classification of legal documents, determining the features of their main types;
-Features of the official business style and its application in legal documents;
– basic modern requirements for drafting legal documents;
– the specifics of record keeping in various fields;
– organization of work with legal documents.
Be able:
– to use in practice the regulatory framework for the regulation and organization of documentation of management activities;
– classify documents;
– compile and draw up documents that are most common in the practice of accountants;
– correctly place the details of documents;
– have a special documentary terminology.
The content of the discipline by topic
Topic 1. Legal documentation as a fundamental and applied scientific discipline.
Topic 2. Legal document as a basis for legal documentation.
Topic 3. Methods of drafting documents and legal techniques, its subject, tasks, meaning.
Topic 4. Linguistic rules of legal documents
Topic 5. Formal-attributive means of legal documents
Topic 6. Law enforcement errors: definition, types, causes, methods of elimination
Topic 7. Organization of work with documents
Topic 8. Characteristics of documents by field of activity Technique of creating organizational documents.
Topic 9. Technique of creating administrative documents
Topic 10. Technique of creating information and reference documents.
Topic 11. Technique of creating personal official documents and personnel documents
Рекомендована література
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Інформаційні ресурси
- – Верховна Ради України.
- – веб-сайт Кабінету Міністрів України.
- – Міністерство фінансів України.
- – Національна комісія з цінних паперів та фондового ринку.
- http://ukrstat. – Державна служба статистики України.
- – веб-сайт Державної аудиторської служби України.
-– веб-сайт Державної фіскальної служби України.
- http:// – Ліга Бізнес Інформ
- http:// – Нормативні акти України
- http:// – Бібліотеки в Україні.
- – Національна бібліотека України ім. В.І.Вернадського
- – Бібліотеки та науково-інформаційні центри України
- Бібліотека Інституту Поглиблених Правничих Студій. Велика Британія [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу до джерела:
- Електронна бібліотека юридичної літератури “Правознавець”. Режим доступу до джерела:
- Інформаційно-пошукова система по законодавству.Режим доступу до джерела:
- Наукова бібліотека імені М. Максимовича Київського національного університету ім. Тараса Шевченка [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу до джерела :
- Наукова бібліотека Національного університету «Києво-Могилянська академія» [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу до джерела:
- Національна академія внутрішніх справ [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу до джерела:
- Національна бібліотека Білорусі [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу до джерела :
- Національна бібліотека Німеччини [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу до джерела:
- Національна бібліотека України імені В.І. Вернадського [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу до джерела:
- Національна бібліотека України імені Ярослава Мудрого [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу до джерела:
- Національний інститут стратегічних досліджень [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу до джерела:
- Офіційний веб-сайт Міністерства юстиції України. Режим доступу до джерела:
- Офіційний веб-сайт Президента України. Режим доступу до джерела:
- Центр політико-правових реформ [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу до джерела:
- Юридична бібліотека імені Л. Голдман Єльської школи права Єльського університету [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу до джерела:
- http://www. library.–Львівська національна наукова бібліотека України ім. В. Стефаника
- – вільна енциклопедія
- Дистанційний курс з юридичного документознавства