Forecasting of social and economic processes

Type: Normative

Department: department of digital economics and business analytics




SemesterAmount of hoursLecturerGroup(s)
632Romanych I. B.УФЕ-31с

Laboratory works

SemesterAmount of hoursGroupTeacher(s)
632УФЕ-31сRomanych I. B., Romanych I. B.

Course description

The formation of market mechanisms in Ukraine has recently been associated with significant difficulties. Organizational forms of functioning of enterprises of various industries are changing, economic and social connections and relations are becoming more complicated. Therefore, in the activities of managers, emphasis should be placed not on standard solutions, but on the ability to quickly and correctly change the economic situation and look for an approach that is optimal in specific conditions. The basis for such an approach in making management decisions is economic forecasting, designed to identify general perspectives and evolutions, trends in organizational and structural development, and ensure the balance of short-term and long-term programs. At the same time, it is important to be able to identify the entire set of factors and reasons that determine the functioning and development of the studied economic structure. The transformation of the economic forecasting system is one of the important elements of transformations that contribute to the normal functioning of enterprises in changing organizational and economic conditions. It should be aimed at radical transformations in prognostication, which consist in the development of the ability to solve a wide variety of management tasks in the conditions of the instability of the external environment with the help of an adequate toolkit, which requires justification and establishing the scope of its use. However, in the conditions of the complexity of forecasting objects and the dynamism of the external environment, the development of such tools is practically impossible without mastering the theoretical foundations of forecasting, which is the primary basis of all management processes.

The subject of the academic discipline

The subject of the discipline “Forecasting socio-economic processes” is the patterns and trends of the development of socio-economic processes (objects, phenomena) in the past and their state in the future, which must be investigated and known; a set of methods and models for the development of socio-economic forecasts.

The purpose of the educational discipline

The purpose of studying the discipline “Forecasting Socio-Economic Processes” is for students to acquire theoretical knowledge and practical tools for forecasting socio-economic processes, to determine the possible states of socio-economic objects in the future, to study the patterns of their development under different conditions.

Object of educational discipline

The objects of forecasting in the economy are mass phenomena and processes that are in continuous motion, change, and development; national economy as a whole, branches of the economy, regions, socially significant spheres of activity; scientific and technical progress and socio-economic changes in the structure of production, innovation and investment caused by it; the dynamics of the market environment, the macroeconomic situation, caused by flows of material and financial resources, aggregate demand and aggregate supply, etc.; change in the economic parameters of the development of the national economy under the influence of various factors (including those of a social, foreign economic, environmental, and military-strategic nature).

Main tasks

The task of forecasting socio-economic processes is to identify probable ways and results of the future development of phenomena and processes, as well as to evaluate indicators that characterize these phenomena and processes in the future. Therefore, the main task of the discipline “Forecasting socio-economic processes” is the formation of students’ ideas about the goals, functions and methods of forecasting; acquiring practical skills and the ability to use various methods for forecasting the conditions of modern transformational processes in the social and economic spheres of society.

Recommended Literature



  1. Galushchak M.P., Galushchak O.Ya., Kuzhda T.I. Forecasting socio-economic processes: a study guide for economic majors. Ternopil: FOP Palanytsia, 2021. 160 p.
  2. Zhukovska O.A. Forecasting of socio-economic processes: computer workshop: training. manual for bachelor’s degree holders in the “Economic Cybernetics” educational program, specialty 051 Economics. Kyiv: KPI named after Igor Sikorskyi, 2022. 100 p.
  3. Kichor V.P., Feshtur R.V., Yakymov A.I., Skvortsov D.I., Vysotskyi A.L. Methods and models of economic forecasting: training. manual. Lviv: Rastr-7, 2019. 272 p.
  4. Klebanova T.S., Kurzenev V.A., Naumov V.M. etc. Forecasting socio-economic processes: a study guide for full-time students of the 6.030502 “Economic cybernetics” course. Kharkiv: KHNEU named after S. Kuznetsa , 2015. 656 p.
  5. Lozovska L.I., Bandorina L.M., Savchuk L.M., Udachyna K.O. Forecasting socio-economic processes: a study guide. Dnipro: UDUNT, 2022. 146 p.
  6. Makhanets L.L., Kybych H.P. Forecasting socio-economic processes: laboratory workshop. Chernivtsi: Chernivtsi Nats . University, 2015. 96 p.
  7. Forecasting of socio-economic processes: lecture notes: comp. Shebanina O.V. etc. Mykolaiv: MNAU, 2022. 95 p.
  8. Sokhatska O.M., Panasyuk V.M., Rogovska -Ishchuk I.V., Vinnytskyi S.I. Fundamental and technical analysis of international markets. Ternopil: ZUNU, 2022. 309 p.
  9. Shumska S.S. Macroeconomic forecasting: teaching. manual. Kyiv: Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Publishing House, 2015. 176 p.


  1. Voronkova V.G. Socio-economic forecasting: education. manual Kyiv: Professional, 2004. 288 p.
  2. Hanchuk A.A., Solovyov V.M., Chabanenko D.M. Forecasting methods: training. manual. Cherkasy: Gate. Ukraine, 2012. 140 p.
  3. Geets V.M., Klebanova T.S., Chernyak O.I. Models and methods of socio-economic forecasting: a textbook. Kharkiv: VD “INZHEK”, 2005. 396 p.
  4. Hlivenko S.V., Sokolov M.O., Zavhorodnia O.M. Economic forecasting: education. manual. Sumy: University book, 2004. 207 p.
  5. Hrabovetskyi B.E. Planning and economic forecasting: training. manual Vinnytsia: VNTU, 2013. 66 p.
  6. Domaradzka G.S., Gladun T.M., Feshtur R.V. Forecasting and macroeconomic planning: training. manual Lviv: Magnolia 2006, 2007. 211 p.
  7. Kataev S.L., Tkachenko A.M., Voronkova V.G. Planning and forecasting in market conditions: a study guide for students . university – Kyiv: Professional, 2006. 608 p.
  8. Kulyavets V.O. Forecasting of socio-economic processes: education. manual Kyiv: Condor, 2009. 194 p.
  9. Pashuta M.T. Forecasting and programming of economic and social development: a study guide. Kyiv: Center for Educational Literature, 2005. 480 p.
  10. Prysenko G.V., Ravikovich E.I. Forecasting of socio-economic processes: education. manual Kyiv: KNEU, 2005. 378 p.
  11. Pilko A.D. Forecasting socio-economic processes: lecture notes. Ivano-Frankivsk: V.P. Suprun, 2011. 83p.
  12. Forecasting of socio-economic processes: methodical recommendations for performing calculation work [compiled by: H.M. Yarovenko, L.P. Perhun ]. Sumy: DVNZ “UABS NBU”, 2012. 30 p.



  1. All about Japanese candles . URL:
  2. State Statistics Service of Ukraine. URL:
  3. Yerina A.M. Statistical modeling and forecasting. URL:
  4. Law of Ukraine “On state forecasting and development of economic and social development programs of Ukraine”. URL:
  5. G.V. Prysenko Forecasting of socio-economic processes: education. manual. URL:
  6. Forecasting of socio-economic processes. URL:
  7. Technical analysis . History of emergence and scope of technical analysis . URL:
  8. How to read and analyze Japanese candles on the crypto exchange . URL:



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