Financial accounting 2 (UFO-31c)

Тип: Нормативний

Кафедра: department of accounting, analysis and control

Навчальний план



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648доцент Shot A. P.УФО-31с


СеместрК-сть годинГрупаВикладач(і)
648УФО-31сдоцент Shot A. P.

Опис курсу


____Financial accounting II___

(name of academic discipline)



Specialization: “Accounting, analysis and financial investigations”

(cycle of disciplines according to the curriculum)


The subject of the academic discipline


The subject of the academic discipline “Financial Accounting II” is capital, liabilities, income and expenses, as well as financial results of the enterprise.


The purpose of the educational discipline


To teach students to master the method of displaying economic transactions in accordance with the approved national provisions of accounting standards and international financial reporting standards, to be able to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge, skills and abilities in practical activities.


Main tasks

In the process of studying the academic discipline, the students are given the following main tasks:

master the methodology and study the organization of financial accounting of capital and liabilities at enterprises using progressive forms and national accounting standards;
to acquire practical skills regarding the accounting of operations related to the formation and change of the size of own capital; the emergence and repayment of the enterprise’s obligations, the formation and distribution of financial results of activity;
on the basis of reliable accounting information about the business entity’s activities, be able to prepare financial statements and make effective management decisions.

The place of the academic discipline in the structural and logical scheme of bachelor’s training


The academic discipline “Financial Accounting II” is a normative discipline for training bachelors in accounting and taxation. It is based on knowledge and forms a knowledge base for studying such disciplines as: “Accounting”, “Financial Accounting I”, “Accounting in the branches of the economy”, “Microeconomics”, “Macroeconomics”, “Economics and finance of business entities “, “Tax system”, “Audit”, “Enterprise reporting”, “Analysis in economic sectors”, “Management accounting”, etc.


Requirements for competences, knowledge and skills


As a result of studying the academic discipline, the student should develop the following competencies:


Ability to professional (oral and written) business communication in Ukrainian and foreign languages.
The ability to work in a team and establish interpersonal interactions in order to effectively solve the assigned tasks.
Ability to make informed management decisions.
Ability to identify, pose and solve problems.
Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations.
Assessment and forecasting of political, economic, social events and phenomena.
The ability to evaluate and ensure the quality of the work performed.
Ability to apply general scientific and fundamental knowledge and conduct research at the appropriate level.



Be able to apply the basics of organization of accounting and control at the enterprise, possess relevant practical skills regarding: formation of accounting policy; development of forms of documents in the absence of their regulatory regulation; development of internal reporting forms to provide the management of the business entity with the necessary information for the purpose of making management decisions; archiving of documentation and reporting in accordance with the requirements of current legislation.
The ability to provide accounting for the objects for which there are alternative positions in regulatory documents, or which are subject to regulation at the level of the accounting policy of the enterprise.
The ability to organize the work of accounting employees according to their legal status in terms of: forms of accounting organization; determining the optimal number of accounting employees and the structure of the accounting service; distribution of duties between accounting employees; measures to improve qualifications and carry out attestation of accounting staff; requirements for the equipment of accounting employees’ workplaces; procedures for accepting and handing over cases when the accountant is changed; planning the work of accounting employees using structural and individual schedules for the performance of accounting work.
Possession of relevant practical skills regarding intra-economic (management) accounting: to ensure the organization and detailing of intra-economic (management) accounting; group and classify the composition of production costs; apply modern cost accounting methods; apply the management aspect of product costing; to use methods of internal economic (management) accounting for internal pricing, compilation of calculations to substantiate management decisions; to be able to carry out budgeting and business planning at the enterprise.

The study of the discipline “Financial Accounting II” involves the achievement of such a qualification level of specialist training, for which he must:


the role, place and importance of financial accounting in enterprise management;
the place and importance of the accounting system in the information provision of users of accounting and analytical information in solving problems in the field of social, economic and environmental responsibility of enterprises;
the structure of the company’s assets;
the procedure for conducting operations with monetary funds;
the reasons for the occurrence of receivables and the procedure for its repayment;
method of keeping records of current and non-current assets;
the structure of production costs and the accounting of operations to form the cost of products (works, services).
be able to:

determine the essence of financial accounting objects and understand their role and place in economic activity;
to have methodical tools for accounting of economic activity of enterprises;
learn and master modern knowledge of the discipline;
perform professional functions taking into account the requirements of social responsibility, labor discipline, be able to plan and manage time;
use acquired theoretical knowledge in practical activities;
to resolve production situations regarding the acquisition and sale of assets;
keep records of transactions related to attracting financial investments;
work both independently and in a team, show leadership qualities and responsibility at work, adhere to ethical principles, respect individual and cultural diversity;
analyze the development of accounting systems, models and methods at the national and international levels in order to substantiate the feasibility of their introduction at the enterprise.

Program learning outcomes

The ability to use professionally profiled knowledge and practical skills from professional disciplines in accounting, analysis and auditing of business entities and the state sector of the economy.
Ability to classify accounting information, build an accounting system for management needs. Organize the formation of accounting information according to the stages of the accounting process, manage the quality of accounting, control the quality of accounting information.
Ability to prepare financial accounting reports. Determine the information needs of users of reporting information in enterprise management.
The ability to provide practical recommendations for the application in the economic security system of the enterprise of the methodology for diagnosing the economic reliability of external counterparties.
Possessing the skills of written and oral presentation of the results of own work, scientific and practical material.

Content of the academic discipline by topic

Topic number Topic name

Topic 1 Accounting of own capital
Topic 2 Accounting for securing obligations
Topic 3 Accounting for long-term liabilities
Topic 4 Accounting for bonds
Topic 5 Accounting for rental transactions
Topic 6 Accounting for short-term liabilities
Topic 7 Accounting of calculations with the budget
Topic 8 Accounting of the company’s calculations according to the EUS
Topic 9 Accounting for payments to employees
Topic 10 Accounting of income and results of the enterprise
Topic 11 Cost accounting of enterprise activity
Topic 12 Financial reporting of enterprises

Рекомендована література

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