Introduction to the specialty (training course)
Тип: Нормативний
Кафедра: department of accounting, analysis and control
Навчальний план
Семестр | Кредити | Звітність |
2 | 3 | Залік |
Семестр | К-сть годин | Лектор | Група(и) |
2 | 32 | доцент Petryshyn . P. | УФО-11с |
Семестр | К-сть годин | Група | Викладач(і) |
2 | 16 | УФО-11с | доцент Petryshyn . P. |
Опис курсу
(name of academic discipline)
Normative discipline
(normative / selective)
Specialization “Accounting, analysis and financial investigations”
(cycle of disciplines according to the curriculum)
The subject of the discipline
The subject of study of the discipline “Introduction to the profession” (training course) is the organization of the educational process of training specialists in accounting and taxation.
The purpose of the discipline
The purpose of studying the discipline – the formation of future professionals in the professional field of system knowledge of accounting, analysis and control to ensure familiarity of students with the features of the future profession.
The main tasks
The main tasks of studying the discipline “Introduction to the profession” (training course) are:
– have a general idea of accounting, its place and role in the system of economic relations;
– to get acquainted with the rights, duties and responsibilities of officials who keep records;
– get acquainted with the basic requirements for the organization of accounting at the enterprise;
– get acquainted with the basics of audits;
– to get acquainted with the organization of state tax control in Ukraine;
– to get acquainted with the organization of financial investigations.
The place of the discipline in the structural and logical scheme
The study of the discipline “Introduction to the profession” (training course) is provided for first-year students, who can get acquainted with the basic requirements for the profession of accountant and reveal general issues of scientific organization of work and study. The discipline “Introduction to the profession” (training course) is interrelated with such disciplines as “History of Accounting”, “Accounting (General Theory)”, “Audit”, “Fundamentals of Taxation” and others.
Requirements for competencies, knowledge and skills
As a result of studying the discipline, the student must have the following competencies:
– ability to learn and master modern knowledge;
– ability to abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis;
– ability to work in a team or independently;
– ability to be critical and self-critical;
– knowledge and understanding of the subject area and understanding of professional activity, etc.
– demonstrate an understanding of the requirements for professional activity, due to the need to ensure sustainable development of Ukraine, its strengthening as a democratic, social, legal state;
– identify and assess the risks of failure to achieve management objectives of the entity, its non-compliance with legislation and regulation of activities, inaccuracy of reporting, preservation and use of its resources.
– ability to apply ethical principles in the performance of professional duties ;.
Program learning outcomes:
Understand the place and importance of accounting, analytical, control, tax and statistical systems in the information support of users of accounting and analytical information in solving problems in the field of social, economic and environmental responsibility of enterprises.
Define the essence of the objects of accounting, analysis, control, audit, taxation and understand their role and place in economic activity.
Perform professional functions taking into account the requirements of social responsibility, labor discipline, be able to plan and manage time.
Understand the requirements for activities in the specialty, due to the need to ensure sustainable development of Ukraine, its strengthening as a democratic, social, legal state.
The study of the discipline “Introduction to the profession” (training course) involves the achievement of such a qualification level of training, for which he must:
– and understand the economic categories, laws, causal and functional relationships that exist between processes and phenomena at different levels of economic systems;
– and understand the place and importance of accounting, analytical, control, tax and statistical systems in the information support of users of accounting and analytical information in solving problems in the field of social, economic and environmental responsibility of enterprises;
– basic provisions of international educational standards for professional accountants;
– basic requirements for the training of specialists in the specialty “Accounting and Taxation”;
– rights, duties and responsibilities of accountants;
– professional organizations of accountants and auditors;
– the order of formation of professional ethics for all professional accountants;
– basic concepts and definitions from the history of the origin and development of accounting;
– and understand the subject area and have an understanding of professional activity;
– and understand the peculiarities of the practice of accounting, analysis, control, audit and taxation of enterprises of various forms of ownership, organizational and legal forms of management and types of economic activity;
– regulatory regulation of accounting in Ukraine and others.
be able:
– apply knowledge of the requirements of international educational standards for professional accountants in training;
– distinguish between the professions of accountant by qualifications;
– apply in practice the acquired skills of writing a resume;
– practically use the acquired knowledge in career planning;
– be aware of the peculiarities of the functioning of enterprises in modern business conditions and demonstrate an understanding of their market positioning;
The content of the discipline by topic
Topic 1. Modern specialist in accounting and taxation: formation and prospects for implementation
Topic 2. International standards of education for professional accountants and advanced training
Topic 3. Legislation of Ukraine on accounting, auditing and taxation
Topic 4 Historical aspects of the emergence and development of accounting and auditing
Topic 5. The profession of accountant in Ukraine
Topic 6. Professional ethics of accountants and auditors
Topic 7. Organization of state tax control and the establishment of the Bureau of Economic Security in Ukraine
Topic 8. Career development and job search process
Рекомендована література
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Інтернет ресурси:
- Верховна Ради України.
- – веб-сайт Кабінету Міністрів України.
- http:// – Міністерство фінансів України.
- http:// www.ukrstat. – Державна служба статистики України.
- http:// – Нормативні акти України
- http:// – Бібліотеки в Україні.
- – Національна бібліотека України ім. В.І.Вернадського
- – Бібліотеки та науково-інформаційні центри України
- http://www. library.–Львівська національна наукова бібліотека України ім. В. Стефаника
- – вільна енциклопедія