Open lecture on the subject “Web-design and web-programming”
March 15, 2021 Ph.D., Assoc. Deputat B.Ya. on the Teams platform an open lecture was held in the group UFE-31c on the subject “Web-design and web-programming” on the topic “Hypertext markup language (HTML)”. This discipline is part of a series of normative disciplines of professional training of bachelors in the educational program “Information Technology in Business” and a logical sequential continuation of the study of IT disciplines.
The purpose of the lecture was to consider the basic concepts of hypertext markup language, the structure of the HTML-document, the means of its creation and the requirements for the design of the text in it.
The class was attended by representatives of the teaching staff of the Department of Digital Economics and Business Analytics. In particular, the head of the department, Doctor of Economics, Assoc. Shevchuk IB, Ph.D., Assoc. Starukh AI etc.
The class was conducted at a high scientific and educational level and received positive feedback, in particular, noted the professionalism and ability of the lecturer to focus students on the main points of the lecture material, to maintain constant contact with students.