Participation of the head of the department of digital economy and business analytics in the round table discussion of the OPP “Information management systems and technologies in the economy”

16.05.2024 | 20:24

On May 15, 2024, the head of the department of digital economy and business analytics, professor Iryna SHEVCHUK, as a stakeholder, took part in the work of the International Round Table: “Discussion of the educational and professional program “Information control systems and technologies in the economy” in the specialty 122 “Computer science » Department of Computer and Information Technologies and Systems of the State Tax University.

The guarantor of the educational program is the professor of the department, doctor of technical sciences, prof. Artur HORBOVY.

At the round table, employers, representatives of the academic community, and graduates expressed a number of wishes and suggestions regarding the further improvement of the educational program with the aim of forming future masters in computer sciences in demand by the labor market, relevant competencies, skills and abilities, which will contribute to improving the quality of the educational program and its competitiveness.

In particular, Iryna SHEVCHUK emphasized that the educational program corresponds to modern trends in the development of the specialty and the labor market, provides for the acquisition of functional and technical skills (hard skills) and social skills (soft skills) by students of higher education, and also proposed in the OPP item “Suitability to employment” to take into account the changes to the National Classifier of Ukraine “Classifier of Professions”, adopted in January 2024.

So, the Classifier of professions has been supplemented with 29 new professional titles of jobs in the IT field, for example, such professions as: “Web resource administrator”, “Mobile application analyst”, “Artificial intelligence engineer”, “Artificial intelligence developer”, “Architecture developer software (information technologies)”, “Cloud architecture developer”, “Electronic communications security specialist”, etc. Also, 9 professional job titles in the IT field were brought into line with modern technologies, namely: “Computer data bank analyst” was changed to “Data analyst”, “Operational and application software analyst” – to “Software analyst”, “Computer software engineer” – to “Software engineer”, etc.