Participation in the Forum “Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education”
March 17-18, 2021 teachers of the Department of Digital Economics and Business Analytics Shevchuk IB and Starukh AI took part online in the Forum “Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education”, which is the second forum within the Program for Improving Teaching in Higher Education in Ukraine.
The purpose of the Forum is to facilitate the exchange of best practices and professional discussion of issues of improving teaching and learning in higher education in Ukraine.
The event became a platform for discussing issues related to:
🔸 professional development of teachers of higher education institutions;
🔸 transformation of teaching in today’s conditions: challenges and opportunities;
🔸 student-oriented teaching and its features;
🔸 the experience of Great Britain and Ukraine in improving teaching in higher education.
During the two days there was an opportunity to join the online discussion with rectors, vice-rectors, heads of departments, research and teaching staff of higher education institutions and experts who are actively involved in improving the teaching and professional development of university teachers.
Topics of panel discussions: “Professional development of a university teacher – key players”, Panel discussion “Transformation of teaching: challenges and opportunities”, Panel discussion “Teacher and student – how to build effective interaction?”
A number of practical events were also held within the Forum, in particular:
Workshop 1. Online Odyssey: from reading material to developing interactive teaching
Workshop 2. Gamification in the educational process during a pandemic
Workshop 3. Blogging as a motivational trigger for involving students in the learning process
Workshop 4. As a teacher: creating test tasks by students as a tool for active learning
During the workshops participants:
- learn more about the effectiveness of games and the differences between gamification and game-based learning;
- got acquainted with the tools used to gamify the educational process during distance learning;
- practically used the mobile application InShot to create a short video for your own blog for educational purposes;
- got acquainted with some platforms for testing: Kahoot, Quizizz, Mentimeter;
- discussed the main advantages of a student-centered approach to learning, the partnership between teacher and student, the implementation of the principle of active learning.
The work of the Forum “Perfection of teaching and learning in higher education” was interesting and informative for all participants in the educational process in Ukraine !!!