Teachers Internship Online Program 2021
Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management Gerasymenko Olena done Teachers Internship Online Program 2021 in the framework of a social educational project held by experts of ERAM and IT Ukraine Association. Classes were held online, so the organizers welcomed participants from all over Ukraine.
The program did not focus on a specific technology, but gave a broad understanding of the modern IT industry. Along with an overview of applied specializations such as Java, DevOps, .Net, QA, Frontend, students learned the basics of project management, Scrum methodologies, Git and Jira tools, and more. Everyone was involved in practical tasks.
The internship took place from January 20 to February 1 in the format of daily online classes. Participants who successfully completed the internship received the certificates from the organizers.
As a result of participation in the all-Ukrainian complex internship program Gerasymenko Olena enriched theoretical knowledge with practical project experience and saw the work of a modern IT company «from the inside». This gives an opportunity to understand today’s realities of the IT field and to transfer the most applied and relevant knowledge and skills to students for their successful careers in the future.