The power of the unconquered: from the Cossacks to the present
On October 2, 2023, at the Faculty of Finance and Business Management, a presentation of the Ukrainian martial art – Battle Hopak, prepared by Mevsha Artur, a student of the UFE-11 group, a direct participant and trainer (junior level) of this organization, took place. The educational event was held to commemorate the Day of Defenders of Ukraine for students of the UFE-11c group, and the head and teachers of the Department of Digital Economy and Business Analytics were also invited.
Artur Mevsha told his classmates about the history of the creation of this Ukrainian martial art, which was developed on the basis of elements of traditional Cossack combat preserved in folk dances and the personal experience of the researcher of martial arts from Lviv, Volodymyr Pilat. Pupils of combat hopak schools, in addition to dueling techniques, study Ukrainian national traditions and rituals. The people of Hopak are brought up on the principles of statesmanlike patriotism and universal morality, respect for elders and respect for their history. Combat Hopak promotes among teenagers and young people the refusal of smoking, alcohol and drugs, distracts them from the criminal world, promotes faster and more effective social adaptation of the younger generation.
The team of the Department of Digital Economy and Business Analytics thanks the organizer of the event and is proud of such a purposeful, strong-willed, socially active and patriotic student.