Protection of term papers of applicants for higher education in the first year of the master’s degree in the educational program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs”
On December 10-16, the Department of Financial Management online with the help of communication software Microsoft Teams defended the term papers of higher education students in the first year of master’s degree in the educational program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs”.
Course work is a kind of research research aimed at solving a specific problem in a specific direction and is performed by students in order to consolidate theoretical and practical skills in professional disciplines.
In the process of defense, future economists-financiers demonstrated the appropriate level of theoretical thinking, the ability to use research methods and draw conclusions.
The students’ answers to the questions of the commission members were clear and scientifically substantiated.
There was an interesting and meaningful discussion of the results of student research.
Congratulations to the students on their successful defense of the course work and we wish them further educational and scientific success!