Prominent Ukrainian economists: from the past to the present
Ukrainian scientists made a significant contribution to the development of economic science. However, in general, this contribution is, unfortunately, not yet sufficiently known. This is explained by a number of circumstances: the Ukrainian people were deprived of statehood for a long time; the works of many Ukrainian economists were not accessible even to specialists; economic thought of Ukraine was not studied in higher educational institutions; in Soviet times, interest in the heritage of Ukrainian economists was interpreted as bourgeois nationalism. However, despite this, the economic thought of Ukraine developed in the pan-European and world contexts.
On May 23, as part of the Days of Science at the Faculty of Finance and Business Management, the educational program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs” (advisor D.V. Popovych), students of the UFF-21c group got acquainted with the most outstanding Ukrainian economists of the past and present. In particular, the economic works of M. A. Baludyanskyi (1769 – 1847), I. V. Vernadskyi (1821 – 1884), M. I. Zieber (1844 – 1888), S. A. Podolinskyi (1850 – 1891), Tugan were considered. – M. I. Baranovsky (1865 – 1919), E. E. Slutsky (1880 – 1948). Special attention was paid to the Nobel Laureate Simon Kuznets (1901-1985), because it was in Ukraine that he received his basic education, which became the basis of his future discoveries in economic science of the 20th century. Modern Ukrainian economists Roman Sheremet and Yury Horodnichenko (the best Ukrainian economists according to Forbes) were also noticed.
During the educational event, students of higher education gained new knowledge about the development of economic thought in Ukraine in the past and in the modern era, which allows them to develop their professional skills and learn more about the directions of economic research of outstanding Ukrainian scientists.