Professional development of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management

06.06.2024 | 07:03


From 27 to 30 May 2024, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management Hanna Komarnytska, PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor Olena Reshota, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Olena Herasymenko took part in the course ‘Civic Activist’ organised by the Academy of Social Development.

This course was designed for founders and employees of NGOs and charitable foundations, activists, volunteers and other public figures.

The course programme covered the following topics:

– Development of civil society;

– Building a well-rounded community and organisation;

– Effective management of public projects;

– Fundraising and fundraising;

– Advocacy and communication;

– Leadership and teamwork.

The course participants gained in-depth knowledge and practical skills necessary for successful activity as a public figure. They also had the opportunity to share their experiences with other course participants. Upon completion of the course, they received certificates of completion.

The Department of Public Administration and Business Management sincerely thanks the founders of the Academy of Social Development for the invitation to participate in the course ‘Civic Activist’.

We are convinced that the knowledge and skills acquired during this course will help our teachers in their further work on the development of civil society in Ukraine.