Practical steps to mastering the future profession of financier
Banking institutions, by saving, redistributing and multiplying money, expand the financial capabilities of people and enterprises and create prerequisites for expanded reproduction of the country’s economy. Work in the banking sector is prestigious and extremely responsible, because it is connected not only with finances, but also with the trust of people. It is trust that is key in the work of every bank. And only highly qualified banking specialists can build stable and mutually beneficial relationships with clients.
In order to get acquainted with the specifics of the work and prospects of employment in the banking sector, Yu.V. Shushkova, professor of the Department of Financial Management an excursion to one of the Lviv branches of “PrivatBank” was organized.
On May 12, 2023, first-year financiers (OP “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs”) had the opportunity to talk with the head of the department (Savchyn V.) and his deputy (Bartko I.), learn about the specifics of the head, middle and front work -offices, possible positions, required competencies, job duties, prospects for career growth in PrivatBank. Excursionists learned about wages, bonuses for bank employees, and internal training programs. Information about the bank’s deposit and loan products was interesting and useful.
A pleasant bonus of the excursion was a meeting with graduates of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management who work in a bank and have significant achievements in their profession. I. Greh and M. Wojcitschka emphasized the need to study the disciplines “Finance”, “Banking System”, “Money and Credit” and thanked the teachers for the acquired knowledge and skills.
We hope that this excursion will increase the interest of first-year students in mastering the specialty, and domestic banking institutions will receive worthy specialists in the future.