Participation of the Department of Financial Management in the Report Conference of the University
On February 7-8, 2024, sectional meetings of the Department of Financial Management were held as part of the Reporting Scientific Conference at I. Franko Lviv National University. Meetings were held face-to-face. This format of scientific events contributes not only to the active discussion of empirical problems, but also to the search for common solutions for solving them through live communication, sharing experiences and cases of useful information. Scientific research of scientific and pedagogical staff of the department is carried out within the scope of the scientific topic “Modernization of the financial system of Ukraine: trends and priorities” (scientific supervisor, Doctor of Economics, professor of the Department of Financial Management of I.Frank LNU Sytnyk N.S., number of state registration number 0121U110244, implementation period 2021-2025). The topics of the reports were related to the solution of the urgent problems of the development of the financial system of our country during the war and its restoration already in the post-war period.
The topics of the reports of the participants of the 1st section:
- About the results of the scientific work of the Department of Financial Management in 2023 and tasks for 2024. Prof. Sytnyk N.S.
- Trends in the mortgage lending market and the possibilities of its formation in modern conditions. Assoc. Blaschuk-Devyatkina N.Z.
- Equalization of disproportions in the development of territorial communities in the conditions of war. Prof. Vatamanyuk-Zelinska U.Z.
- Digitization of customs regulation of international transportation. Assoc. Golynskyi Yu.O.
- Financial inclusion in the market of financial services. Assoc. Hrynchyshyn Y.M.
- The impact of digitalization on customs procedures in the modern conditions of the functioning of the customs system of Ukraine. Assoc. Dubyk V.Ya.
- Marketing support for the sale of real estate during martial law. Assoc. Zavalnytska N.B.
- Financial self-sufficiency of territorial communities under martial law. Assoc. Western O.R.
- The impact of the labor market on financial markets. Assoc. Klepanchuk O.Yu.
- Main problems of financial monitoring in Ukraine. Assoc. Kruglyakova V.V.
Topics of reports by the participants of the 2nd section:
- Forms of financial support for small and medium-sized businesses of Ukraine during the war. Prof. Nazarkevich I.B.
- Functioning of the motor vehicle insurance market in conditions of war risks. Assoc. Popovych D.V.
- The banking system of Ukraine under martial law. Assoc. Petyk L.O.
- Development of the banking sector under martial law. Assoc. Smolinska S.D.
- Problems of formation and implementation of modern financial policy of Ukraine. Assoc. Tataryn N.B.
- “Green” and digital solutions in revitalization processes. Assoc. Sich O.A.
- Trends in the development of remote banking services in Ukraine. Prof. Yu.V. Shushkova
- Business financing problems in wartime conditions. Assoc. Yasinovska I.F.