Participation of teachers of the Department of Financial Management in the scientific-practical seminar “Academic Integrity: a way to ensure the quality of education”
On October 20, 2021, teachers of the Department of Financial Management, Doctor of Economics Shushkova Yu.V. and Assoc. Prof. Zakhidna O.R. took part in the scientific-practical seminar “Academic integrity: the way to ensure the quality of education”, which took place at the Khmelnytsky Institute of IAPM.
The event was attended by more than 100 participants from different regions of Ukraine and educational institutions: Khmelnytsky Institute of IAPM, PJSC “Interregional Academy of Personnel Management” (Kyiv), Zhytomyr Institute of IAPM, Volyn Institute of IAPM, Lviv Institute of IAPM, Kharkiv National University named after Ivan Kozhedub, Khmelnytsky Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy, VNKZ ENT “Lviv Medical Academy named after A. Krupinsky », Khmelnytsky Polytechnic Vocational College of the National University« Lviv Polytechnic », etc.
Participants discussed topical issues of academic integrity in secondary schools, vocational higher education institutions and higher education institutions.
The report of Inna Andreevna Semenets-Orlova, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Director of the IAPM Center for the Organization of Scientific Work, and Council of Europe Civic Education Trainer, was extremely interesting. She focused on the broad concept of academic integrity and made everyone think about the meaning of each lesson.
Natalia Valeriyivna Grabovenko, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Director of the IAPM Educational and Methodological Institute, stressed the need to diversify the tasks provided to students in order to avoid the need to work with borrowed texts and pay more attention to their own experience and research.
Valentyna Oleksandrivna Parandiy – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Deputy Director of the Khmelnytsky Institute of IAPM spoke about the experience of the Institute in disseminating knowledge about academic integrity.
The presentation of the results of the survey among students on the observance of academic integrity during the implementation of the educational program was interesting. The results were presented by the Chairman of the Scientific Society of Students and Young Scientists Zhanna Kilivnik and her supervisor Associate Professor of Law and Law Enforcement Olga V. Okhman.
Research has shown that students are generally familiar with the concepts of academic integrity and are aware of the responsibility for non-compliance with their principles.