Non-formal education in the educational process of masters of ЕPP “Information technologies in business” specialty 051 “Economics”
During October-November 2023, students of higher education of the second (master’s) level of higher education studying at the OPP “Information technologies in business” specialty 051 “Economics” were trained in the online course “Marketing of IT products”, developed at the initiative of IT- of the Genesis company, together with the NGO “Product IT Foundation for Education” and the online education studio EdEra, with the support of the Ministry of Digital Transformation and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
The course is aimed at obtaining basic knowledge in the direction of digital marketing of IT products. It was integrated into the educational process as one of the sections of the academic discipline “Project Management” as a result of the successful completion of the relevant training program for employees of higher educational institutions by Professor Iryna Shevchuk (Certificate No. 147/082-2023 on accreditation to integrate the course in her higher education institution).
During studies, students:
1) acquired basic knowledge of digital marketing of IT products;
2) acquired the competencies of marketing specialists in product IT (identification of target audience segments and their characteristics; conducting market analysis; building a strategy for product entry into a new market; knowledge of the features of the policies of platforms for placing advertisements; setting up advertising campaigns on various advertising platforms; creating and implementation of a brand marketing strategy; setting up email and push strategies; creating a brand content strategy; working with metrics and analytics of marketing channels for product promotion; interaction with the product and marketing team for product promotion; understanding the hiring processes in an IT company; creating own development plan (PDP));
3) strengthened their social, “soft” skills (soft skills) – communication and presentation skills; analytical skills; the ability to independently make decisions and solve problems; managerial qualities; teamwork skills; creative and design thinking; formation of one’s own opinion; critical thinking; time management; self-organization and self-motivation skills; proactiveness; result orientation, etc.
Career mentoring with representatives of the IT company Genesis is also provided for the best students of the course.
Students of higher education received certificates of successful completion of the online course!
Thank you for the opportunity provided for the exchange of experience between teachers and the IT business, the enrichment of the educational process with the interesting experience of extraordinary lecturers and practitioners, as well as for the growth of the personal potential of students of the OPP “Information Technologies in Business”!