My family is my Ukraine

23.11.2023 | 20:25

In commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the beginning of the Euromaidan and the Revolution of Dignity on November 21, 2023, within the framework of national-patriotic education for first (bachelor) level candidates of the OP “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs (group UFF-45S)” by D. V. Popovych, associate professor of the Department of Financial Management an event on the theme “My family is my Ukraine” was held.

It was during these days that the Maidan created the ideal of the future Ukraine common to all Ukrainians – a free, independent state where freedom is valued and the ancient traditions of the Ukrainian people are preserved. Every nation, every person has its shrines, but for us, Ukrainians, the greatest shrine is our family and our Ukraine.

During the event, students created a map of their genealogy, which covered different corners of our country – from Luhansk to Lviv, and also shared family photos and told the stories of their families. All this further confirmed the participants of the event in the richness of the traditions of the Ukrainian people, their indomitability and courage, because love for the native land, respect and responsibility for loved ones, family, continuation of the glorious traditions of the family tree are the basis of the worldview of young Ukrainians.