Meeting of psychologists with first-year students majoring in “Accounting, Analysis and Financial investigations”
On September 10, 2021, a meeting of first-year students (UFO-11c group) with practical psychologists, employees of the psychological service of LNU. Ivan Franko Mochalina Y. (practical psychologist of the psychological service of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv) and Skakovska A. (laboratory assistant of the psychological service of Lviv National University named after I. Franko), which was organized by the Deputy Head of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Control of Educational Work, Associate Professor Loboda N.
The Psychological Service of Ivan Franko Lviv National University is a platform for successful self-search, disclosure of one’s potential and personal development.
During the adaptation training for freshmen, students discussed various issues that are most common to freshmen, namely: learn more about each other, identify with others, how to work in a team, and most importantly – how to psycho-emotionally prepare for the winter test -examination session. Attendees took an active part in the discussion and thanked for the practical advice.
We express our sincere gratitude for the training, and we wish the students a successful adaptation, success in their studies and excellent passing of the test and examination session.