Science Days at the Department of Financial Management
The All-Ukrainian Science Festival is a great opportunity to honor scientific traditions, promote the achievements of scientists, and involve young people in the world of science. After all, quality education is a key factor in innovation, and quality science education helps to solve problems of both global and local importance.
As part of the Festival of Science at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, students and professors of the Department of Financial Management – Faculty of Financial management and business of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv also did not stay away from this event and presented a number of different in form and content of events – scientific seminars, practical trainings, presentations , guest lectures, round tables. Effective functioning and comprehensive development of the department is ensured by well-established relations and constant cooperation with various scientific organizations – partners.
Summing up the results of students’ research work at the meeting of the department, which are 208 abstracts of reports at International and All-Ukrainian scientific conferences and participation in various scientific events of the department, 37 articles in professional journals, 3 collections of scientific papers – we are pleased to note the best students-scientists of the Department of Financial Management for the 2020/2021 academic year: Kateryna Zhovtyak, Diana Vatsiak, Veronika Ishchenko, Yulia Yanisiv, Sebastianovich I., Pedchenko I., Vasilisa Ignatyshyna, Ulyana Skydan, Victoria Bednarchuk, Ilona Yurchenko, Batsman Iryna, Stasyshyn Severyna, Dunets I., Chepil Yu. And three heads of student research groups of associate professors Yuriy Golynsky, Olga Sych, Sofi Smolinska After all, our group mentors and gifted students work together to promote the scientific abilities of creative youth and stimulate the scientific activities of students of the Department of Financial Management.
Teachers of the department also approached the Festival of Science at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv with certain achievements. Thus, during 2020/2021 the work on the scientific topic was completed, 1 doctoral dissertation was defended, 7 monographs, 4 textbooks, 75 scientific articles (including Web of Science, Scopus – 9), 108 abstracts of reports on International and All-Ukrainian scientific papers were published by teachers. conferences. According to the results of the conferences held by the department, 3 collections of scientific works of the participants were published and 8 scientific events were held.
In particular, the department is implementing the project “Revitalization of the city – the EU experience for Ukraine” to participate in the “Erasmus +” program of Jean Monnet 2020 (coordinator Sych O.A.).
We are proud of our scientists! It is such young people who give impetus to move forward and shape the future in many areas, serve the progress and development of the state.
We wish them an increase in results, rapid creative upswings and creative enthusiasm in scientific research!